Sunday, 15 October 2017

Options Trading Institute In Mumbai

Der Tor von Indien ist das bekannteste Symbol der Stadt. Es wurde gebaut, um den Besuch des britischen Monarchen König Georg V. nach Indien im Jahre 1911 zu erinnern. Mumbai (Marathi.) 1. eine kosmopolitische Metropole, früher bekannt als Bombay. Ist die größte Stadt in Indien und die Hauptstadt von Maharashtra Staat. Mumbai war ursprünglich ein Konglomerat von sieben Inseln an der Konkan-Küste, die im Laufe der Zeit zu der Inselstadt Bombay gehörten. Die Insel wurde wiederum mit der Nachbarinsel Salsette verbunden, um Groß-Bombay zu bilden. Die Stadt hat eine geschätzte Metropolitanpopulation von 21 Millionen (2005) und ist damit eine der bevölkerungsreichsten Städte der Welt. Mumbai ist zweifellos die Handelshauptstadt Indiens und gehört zu den vorherrschenden Hafenstädten des Landes. Mumbais Natur als die eklektischste und kosmopolitischste indische Stadt symbolisiert in Gegenwart von Bollywood in der Stadt, dem Zentrum der weltweit einflussreichen Hindi Film - und Fernsehindustrie. Es ist auch die Heimat von Indias größten Slum Bevölkerung. Bezirke bearbeiten South Mumbai (Fort, Colaba, Malabar Hill, Nariman Point, Marine Lines, Tardeo) Die ältesten Gebiete von Mumbai. Enthält Mumbais Innenstadt und gilt als das Herz dieser kommerziellen Hauptstadt von Indien. Die reichsten Nachbarschaften des Landes befinden sich hier, die unter den höchsten Eigentumsraten der Welt stehen. Immobilienpreise in Süd-Mumbai sind vergleichbar mit denen in Manhattan. Dies ist das wichtigste touristische Gebiet von Mumbai und Heimat der meisten Mumbais Museen, Kunstgalerien, Bars, gehobene Restaurants, Luxus Einzelhandel mit Marken wie Armani, Zegna, Hermes, Sangeeta Boochra etc. und dem Gateway of India. Süd-Zentral-Mumbai (Byculla, Parel, Worli, Prabhadevi, Dadar) verwendet, um Mumbais industriellen Herzland zu sein, ging aber in den Niedergang, als die Industrien taten. Jetzt wurde dieser Bereich in ein Bürogebäude umgebaut. Heimat von Mumbais nur Zoo, die Worli See Gesicht, und der Tempel, was die Menschen betrachten die Stadt Wächter Gottheit. Wenn du nach Norden gehst, verwandelt es sich in einen schönen Mittelstand. Nord-Zentral-Mumbai (Dharavi, Matunga, Vadala, Sion, Mahim) In erster Linie ein oberes Mittelklasse-Gebiet, mit Ausnahme von Dharavi, das Asias zweitgrößtes Slum enthält. Dieser Bereich entwickelte sich unmittelbar nach Indias Unabhängigkeit, wegen einer Einwanderungswelle. Ein Teil der Migranten waren Flüchtlinge aus der Trennwand. West Mumbai (Bandra, Khar, Santa Cruz, Juhu, Vile Parle, Andheri, Versova) Enthält Mumbais andere Innenstadt und ist die Heimat der Reichen, die eine friedlichere Umgebung haben wollen. Es hat ein paar Strände. Heimat einer großen christlichen Gemeinde und der berühmtesten Kirche der Stadt. Dies ist auch dort, wo die Städte inländischen und internationalen Flughäfen sind. East Mumbai (Kurla, Vidyavihar, Ghatkopar, Vikhroli, Kanjur Marg, Bhandup, Mulund, Powai, Thane, Kalyan) Dies ist eine solide Mittelklasse-Bastion. Mulund und Ghatkopar sind die Heimat der überwiegend mittleren und oberen Mittelklasse Bevölkerung, viele aus der unternehmerischen Gujarati Gemeinschaft. Harbour Suburbs (Chembur, Mankhurd, Govandi, Trombay) Vor der Entwicklung von Navi Mumbai als Satellitenstadt von Bombay war dieses Gebiet nur für die Existenz eines Atomforschungszentrums bekannt. Jetzt ist dies bekannt für auf dem Weg nach Navi Mumbai. North Mumbai (Manori, Jogeshwari, Malad, Borivali, Gorai, Mira Road, Bhyander, Naigaon, Vasai Nala Sopara Virar) Hier finden Sie Strände, die nicht schmutzig sind. Anders als das, ist es nur ein weiteres Opfer von Bombays riesigen städtischen Zersiedelung. Enthält den Sanjay Gandhi Nationalpark und Mumbais älteste Erbes: die Kanheri, Mahakali, Jogeshwari und Mandapeshwar Rock-Cut Tempel aus dem 1. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Bis zum 5. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Die Gipfel der Pipeline ist eine bemerkenswerte Denkmal in Gorai, Mumbai, Indien . Die Pagode dient als Denkmal für Frieden und Harmonie. Dieses Denkmal wurde von Pratibha Patil, dem Präsidenten von Indien am 8. Februar 2009 eingeweiht. Es befindet sich im Norden von Mumbai in einem Gebiet namens Gorai und ist auf gespendeten Land auf einer Halbinsel zwischen Gorai Creek und dem Arabischen Meer gebaut. Essel Welt, Indias größter Vergnügungspark befindet sich auch auf der Gorai-Insel, gleich neben der globalen Vipassana-Pagode. West - und Mittelmeer, Ost und West Ein Besucher der Vorstädte von Mumbais wird schnell erfahren, dass die Vorstädte in West - und Zentralteil geteilt werden. Sie hören auch von einer Westseite und einer Ostseite. Hier ist eine schnelle Erklärung für die verwirrten. Die westlichen und zentralen Vorstädte sind nach den örtlichen Eisenbahnlinien benannt, die den jeweiligen Gebieten dienen. Die westlichen und zentralen Eisenbahnen sind Eisenbahnlinien, die den westlichen und zentralen Teilen Indiens dienen. Beide haben ihren Hauptsitz in Mumbai. Die Hafenlinie ist eine Zuführungslinie, die die Hafengebiete mit den zentralen und westlichen Linien verbindet. Es bietet auch eine Verbindung zu den nordöstlichen Vorstädten von Mumbai und zu den Bezirken zu Navi Mumbai. Die meisten dieser Gebiete liegen nicht irgendwo in der Nähe eines Hafens. Fast alle Orte in Mumbai haben eine Westseite und eine Ostseite. West bedeutet westlich der Bahnlinie und Ost bedeutet östlich der Bahnlinie. Zum Beispiel bedeutet Mulund (West), dass das Gebiet westlich des Mulundbahnhofs liegt. In Adressen werden West und Ost abgekürzt, d. h. Mulund (W) und Mulund (E). Mumbai ist eine Stadt, die in aufeinanderfolgenden Wellen von Migrationen gebaut wurde. Die Nachbarschaften erwarben ihren Charakter aus den dort angesiedelten Gemeinden. Diese Nachbarschaften sind zu zahlreich, um aufzulisten, und es gibt keinen allgemein akzeptierten Weg, um diese Nachbarschaften in größere Bezirke zu gruppieren. Aber ungefähr, von Süden nach Norden, so hat sich die Stadt entwickelt. Verstehen Bearbeiten Carvings an den Elephanta Caves Mumbai ist eine geschäftige, vielfältige Metropole mit einem Flair alleine. Der unternehmerische Geist und das pulsierende Tempo des Lebens bieten einen starken Kontrast zu viel von dem Rest von Indien. Es gab viel Diskussion über den ursprünglichen Namen der Stadt. Manche sagen, der aktuelle Name der Stadt Mumbai ist der ursprüngliche Name und ist ein Eponym aus Mumba, der Name der lokalen Hindu-Göttin Mumbadevi und Aai, was Mutter in Marathi. Andere behaupten, dass Bombay eine anglisierte Version von Bom Bahia war, ein Name, der von den Portugiesen gegeben wurde, um schöne Bucht zu bedeuten und später von den Briten als der Name des Bombay-Staates populär gemacht zu werden. Der Name wurde offiziell von Bombay nach Mumbai im Jahr 1995 geändert. Obwohl Bombay und Mumbai beide verwendet werden, Menschen, die explizit Bombay verwenden, sind im Allgemeinen nicht-Marathi-Sprecher, während Mumbai-Befürworter in erster Linie Marathi sprechen. Im Westen ist Mumbai häufiger akzeptiert worden, um Kontroversen zu vermeiden. Es wird auch gern als (unser Mumbai) bezeichnet. Geschichte Bearbeiten Obwohl die sieben Inseln, die jetzt die Stadt bilden, eine lange Geschichte wie jeder andere Ort in Indien haben, begann ihre Reise zur Stadt Mumbai wirklich im Jahre 1498, als die Portugiesen sie vom Sultan von Gujarat übernahmen. Sie bauten eine Siedlung, Festungen und Kirchen (einschließlich der seltsam aussehenden portugiesischen Kirche, die bis heute steht.) Sie konnten jedoch nicht viel von ihrem Besitz machen und die sieben Inseln wurden 1661 im Jahre 1661 an England übergeben Mitgift von Catherine de Braganza, als sie Charles II von England heiratete. Er war auch nicht sehr interessiert an den Inseln, und er vermietete sie an die britische Ostindien-Gesellschaft für 10 ein Jahr im Jahre 1668. Die Ostindien-Firma baute die Docks, die Handelsposten und die Festung, die das Nervenzentrum der Stadt bilden würde . Sie begannen auch den langen Prozess der Rückgewinnung von Land und Beitritt zu den Inseln, eine Tätigkeit, die bis in die 1960er Jahre ging. Der Hafen lockte Industrien und die unternehmerischen Gemeinschaften wie die Parsis, Gujaratis und Marwaris (von Rajasthan) wanderten und bauten Handelsfirmen und Fabriken Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts auf. Industrien zogen Migranten aus verschiedenen Teilen des Landes an. Die aufeinanderfolgenden Wellen der Migration prägten den Charakter der Stadt und ihrer Nachbarschaften. Die Stadt, die ihre Existenz den Bemühungen der Briten verdankt, war auch der Geburtsort des indischen Nationalkongresses, der in der Unabhängigkeitsbewegung eine überwältigende Rolle spielte. Die Stadt, deren Mühlen von Industriellen aus dem ganzen Land gebaut wurden, ist die Hauptstadt des Maharashtra-Staates, die auf sprachlichen Linien für Marathi-Lautsprecher geschnitzt wurde. In den 80er Jahren haben hohe Arbeitskosten und Unruhen die Schließung vieler Textilfabriken gezwungen, und die Stadt ging in einen Rückgang, von dem sie sich erst Ende der 90er Jahre erholte. Die hohe Bevölkerung belastete die Infrastruktur. Das Schienen - und Straßennetz hat sich in den 90er Jahren stetig verbessert, aber wegen der Größenordnung der Aufgabe scheinen die Straßen immer noch im Bau zu sein. Mumbai hat sich nun als Drehscheibe für die Servicebranche neu erfunden. Im Januar 1993, im Zuge der Zerstörung der Babri-Moschee in Ayodhya. Eine Welle von Unruhen fegte die Stadt, mit über 1000 Menschen getötet, die überwiegende Mehrheit von denen waren Muslime. Beziehungen zwischen den Städten verschiedene ethnische Gruppen sind seitdem angespannt, mit mehreren terroristischen Verbrechen (siehe Bleiben Sie sicher) Hinzufügen von Brennstoff zum Feuer. Kultur und Einstellungen Mumbai ist die kosmopolitische Stadt in Indien. Im Vergleich zum Rest des Landes ist die Stadt ziemlich liberal. Mit einem regelmäßigen Zustrom von Einwanderern aus dem Rest Indiens haben die Bürger, die im Volksmund als Mumbaikers bekannt sind, eine bemerkenswerte Toleranz gegenüber anderen Kulturen gezeigt, was es zu einem wahren kulturellen Schmelztiegel macht. Doch in jüngster Zeit hat sich diese Toleranz manchmal unter äußerem Druck gebeugt. Zwischen den 60er und 80er Jahren gab es Groll über die Nicht-Marathi-Sprecher, die Arbeitsplätze wegnahmen. Die Unruhen zwischen 1991 und 1993 zwischen Hindus und Muslimen versuchten, diesen Geist zu beeinflussen, aber die Stadt konnte sich weitgehend von diesen erholen, obwohl ernsthafte Abteilungen bleiben, während die Erinnerungen knapp werden. Climate Edit Mumbai hat drei Hauptsaison Sommer, Monsun und Winter (milder Sommer). Die beste Zeit zum Besuch ist während des Winters zwischen November und Februar. Feuchtigkeit ist auch weniger im Winter, wenn das Klima angenehm ist die minimale Temperatur ist 17 Grad Celsius und das Maximum ist 30-31 Grad. Sommer ist von März bis Mai mit Höhen in den niedrigen bis mittleren 30s (ca. 80-90F). Es ist heiß und feucht während dieser Zeit. Juni bis September ist die Monsun-Saison, wenn die Stadt von schweren Regenfällen gepeitscht wird. Die Stadt wird zwei - oder dreimal überschwemmt und das normale Leben wird in dieser Saison gestört. Das Klima ist während des ganzen Jahres ziemlich feucht, weil die Stadt an der Küste liegt. Holen Sie sich in Bearbeiten Mit dem Flugzeug Bearbeiten Mumbai hat hervorragende Konnektivität mit den meisten der großen Städte auf der ganzen Welt, darunter New York, London, Dubai, Singapur, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, um nur einige zu nennen. Wenn Sie aus Europa fliegen, ist es in der Regel billiger, aus London zu fliegen, und es gibt viele Flüge täglich. Die meisten der inländischen Sektoren sind auch mit Mumbai verbunden, so dass es die zweithäufigste Luftfahrt-Hub im Land. Airport Edit Neu eröffnetes Swanky Domestic Terminal 1B Mumbais Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (IATA BOM) (ICAO: VABB) 2 ist der zweitgrößte Flughafen Indias und einer der wichtigsten internationalen Gateways des Landes. Viele internationale Fluggesellschaften wie British Airways, United, Emirates, Malaysia Airlines, Lufthansa, Qantas und Singapore Airlines fliegen in Mumbai. Low-Cost-Carrier fliegen auch in die Stadt. Der Flughafen besteht hauptsächlich aus zwei Terminals (für Inland amp International Zwecke) - beide Terminals nutzen den gleichen Luftraum, sind aber 4km auseinander. Es gibt einen kostenlosen Shuttle-Bus, der sie verbindet, aber für lange Verzögerungen durch Sicherheit vorbereitet werden. Von Inland nach International gehen Sie sind außerhalb des Flughafens und Sie werden wieder durch internationale Abflüge. Terminal 1 Domestic Terminal Terminal 1A. Dient Air India Terminal 1B. Dient verschiedenen privaten Fluggesellschaften, wie Jet Airways, Indigo, SpiceJet, amp GO Air Die inländischen Terminals sind in einem längst überfälligen Upgrade. Terminal 1B erfüllt nun internationale Standards und die Arbeit läuft am Terminal 1A. Terminal 2 International Terminal Das neue internationale Terminal (T2) wurde im Jahr 2014 eröffnet und ersetzt das alte internationale Terminal. Die Sahar Elevated Access Road, abgekürzt SEAR, ist eine engagierte, erhöhte Express-Straße in Mumbai, die die Western Express Highway (WEH) in der Nähe der Hanuman Nagar Kreuzung in Vile Parle verbindet, mit den Vorfahren des Terminal T2 des Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport . Es erleichtert den leichteren und schnelleren Zugang zu den Pendlern, die zum und vom Flughafen fahren. Zum und vom Flughafen Bearbeiten Der Flughafen ist 28 km von der Innenstadt entfernt. Nehmen Sie ein Prepaid-Coupon-Taxi, um Ärger zu minimieren. Niemals mehr als Rs 450-600 für ein Prepaid-Taxi bezahlen. Diese Menge sollte Sie den ganzen Weg zum südlichsten Punkt von Colaba, dem wichtigsten touristischen Bezirk. Während es möglich ist, dosierte Taxis zu Ihrem eventuellen Ziel zu nehmen, ist es immer eine sicherere Wette, die Prepaid-Taxis zu nehmen, um zu vermeiden, an dein Ziel über eine längere Strecke genommen zu werden und damit die Zählerablesung zu erhöhen, während es nicht zwingend ist Zahlen Sie zusätzliche Gebühren für Ihr Gepäck, ein Tipp von Rs 50-100 wird immer geschätzt werden. Seien Sie besonders vorsichtig mit dem Haupt-Prepaid-Zähler auf der linken Seite, wie Sie das Terminal verlassen. Es gibt einen wohlbekannten Betrug mit den Angestellten hier ersetzen Sie Ihre 500 Rupie Rechnung mit einer 100 Rupie Rechnung und geben Ihnen Änderung für die letzteren. Es gibt viele Prepaid-Taxi-Büros in einer Reihe, wie Sie den Flughafen verlassen, wenn man eine sehr hohe Rate bietet, gehen Sie einfach zum nächsten Fenster und so weiter, bis Sie einen mit einem guten Preis finden. Gehen Sie zum Taxi-Büro und kaufen Sie einen Gutschein, um zum Fahrer zu nehmen. Der Coupon wird die Taxi-Registrierungsnummer auf sie geschrieben haben. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie in das Taxi kommen. Nehmen Sie keinen Aufzug von jemandem an, der behauptet, ein Taxifahrer zu sein, da sie viel höhere Preise anbieten können, die entworfen sind, um Touristen zu zielen. Die Gebühren hängen vom allgemeinen Bereich ab, den Sie benötigen, um alle Mautgebühren zu bezahlen. Die meisten Premium-Hotels organisieren ihre eigenen Autos, was eine viel bessere Alternative ist. Während die meisten Fahrer kein Problem haben sollten, Sie an große Hotels und Kreuzungen zu liefern, gehen Sie nicht davon aus, dass Ihr Fahrer mit weniger bekannten Hotels vertraut ist. Bevor Sie abreisen, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die vollständige Adresse Ihres Ziels gesichert haben. Wenn Sie diesen zusätzlichen Schritt machen, sollten Sie Verzögerungen vermeiden. MIT DEM ÖFFENTLICHEN TRANSPORT: Für diejenigen, die keine Taxis benutzen wollen, um in die Innenstadt zu kommen, nehmen Sie den Bus 337 oder 308 (Bushaltestelle gerade vor dem Abfahrtshalleneingang der Stufe 6) zur Endstation, die Andheri Station ist (Busfahrt Rs 14), eine kurze Strecke zu Fuß Zum Bahnhof von Andheri, dann nehmen Sie die Harbor Line (Blue) in Richtung CST Terminus, (Zug Fahrpreis Rs 10 kaufen von Ticketbooking Büro, aber es scheint niemand zu überprüfen Tickets auf der Marmelade verpackt Züge). Der alternative Zug nimmt die rote Linie westliche Linie nach Dadar und wechselt dann zur Green Central Linie in Richtung CST. Bemerkenswert ist, dass die blaue Hafenlinie durch Dharavi-Slum verläuft, angeblich Asias größter Slum. Parken auf Flughäfen Bearbeiten Bezahlte Parkplätze stehen am Flughafen zur Verfügung. Die Gebühren sind Rs 60 pro vier Stunden Block für Autos. Längerfristige Parkplätze sind in einer Premium-Bereich, aber es ist schrecklich teuer, in Höhe von Rs 600 pro Tag. Es gibt ATM-Terminals im internationalen Ankunftsbereich und viele Geldwechsler in der Nähe der Ausfahrt. Touristenfalle Bearbeiten Wie in jeder anderen Stadt können die Einheimischen versuchen, Touristen zu nutzen, die mit dem Gebiet nicht vertraut sind. Obwohl Sie verpflichtet sind, in viele verschiedene Touristenfallen zu laufen, während Sie in Mumbai sind, sollte man sich bewusst sein, dass wenn Ihr Taxi-Taxi zum Flughafen zieht, wird ein Mann mehr als wahrscheinlich Ihr Gepäck aus dem Koffer bekommen, legen Sie es in einen Wagen, Schieben Sie es in Richtung Terminal und fragen Sie nach einer Rs 500 Gepäckgebühr auf dem Weg. Es gibt keine Gepäckgebühr Es ist am besten, das Angebot abzulehnen, nehmen Sie den Wagen und schieben Sie es selbst. Sie können auf den Straßen tanzen und wie ein Idiot aussehen, bis der Dieb in Verlegenheit läuft. Mit dem Boot Bearbeiten Zahlreiche Reiseorganisationen bieten nun Kreuzfahrten nach Singapur, Malaysia, Dubai, etc. Obwohl die Kreuzfahrt-Industrie noch entwickelt, kann Mumbai durch solche Kreuzfahrten erreicht werden. Fähren von Ferry Wharf ermöglichen einen kostenfreien Zugang zu Inseln und Stränden in der Nähe der Stadt und der Elephanta-Höhlen. Mit dem Zug Edit Railways in Indien Der erste kommerzielle Bahndienst begann am 16. April 1853 um 15.35 Uhr auf seinem ersten Lauf zwischen VT (jetzt der Chattrapati Shivaji Terminus) und Thane. Züge kommen aus ganz Indien in Mumbai an. Die zentrale Linie dient der Verbindung zu Südindien. Ostindien Und Teile von Nordindien. Die Schlüsselstationen sind Chattrapati Shivaji Terminus (früher Victoria Terminus, bekannt als VT), Dadar Terminus und Kurla (Lokmanya Tilak) Terminus. Die westliche Linie verbindet sich mit den westlichen Bundesstaaten Gujarat. Rajasthan Und einige Teile von Nordindien. Die wichtigsten Termini sind Mumbai Central und Bandra Terminus. Die Konkanbahn 3 (die eine separat verwaltete und neu gebaute Linie ist) reist durch die malerische Konkanküste von Maharastra und ist ein guter Weg, um von Goa, Mangalore und Kerala zu reisen. Der Lokmanya Tilak Terminus (LTT) ist das Ziel für die Linie. Mit der Straße Bearbeiten Mit dem Auto Edit National Autobahn Nummern 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 17, und die Autobahn Mumbai-Pune strahlen aus der Stadt, die Links zu allen Teilen des Landes. Die Straßenverhältnisse sind in der Regel besser als im übrigen Indien. Die komfortablen, klimatisierten blauen Taxis stehen Pune und Ahmednagar-Nashik von der gegenüberliegenden Asiad Bus Termina in Dadar und Lakhamsi Nappoo Rd in der Nähe des Dadar Ostbahnhofs zur Verfügung. Entfernungen von verschiedenen Städten nach Mumbai sind: Wenn Sie von nahe gelegenen Städten wie Pune, Bangalore, etc besuchen, dann gibt es noch andere Möglichkeit, gemeinsame Taxi-Service von cabs4share amp7mcar gestartet zu haben, in dem Sie Optionen haben, um Ihre Reise mit anderen Reisenden zu teilen. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem Weg Drop cab. One Weg Drop Cab Service Von jedem Teil von Maharashtra können Sie einen Weg Auto Service nach Mumbai Flughafen und Mumbai Flughafen zu anderen Stadt Mit dem Bus Edit Mumbai ist gut mit Bussen von Destinationen in Indien serviert. Asiad Bus Service Das Bus Terminal, im Volksmund bekannt als Asiad Bus Terminal auf Ambedkar Rd in Dadar Osten ist ein weiterer Hub, von wo aus Busse nach Pune fahren in regelmäßigen Häufigkeit von 15 Minuten bis 1 Stunde. Dadar und Pune sind gut verbunden durch komfortable klimatisierte Shivneri Busse von State Road Transport Corporation laufen. Die Tarife sind im Bereich von Rs 100 300 und Busse variieren in Komfort von gewöhnlichen bis Luxus mit Klimaanlage. Andere Routen sind Mumbai - Satara, Mumbai - Nasik. Der einfachste Weg, um das Terminal zu erreichen, ist, über die Fußgängerbrücke nach Dadar Ost vom Dadar Terminus zu überqueren und geradeaus (weniger als 5 Minuten) nach Ambedkar Rd zu gehen. Private Busse Es gibt auch zahlreiche private Busbetreiber, die eine große Anzahl von Dienstleistungen von Mumbai aus den meisten Großstädten wie Udaipur, Ajmer, Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Surat, Indore, Nashik, Aurangabad, Hyderabad, Belgaum, Hubli, Bangalore, Mangalore, Trichur betreiben Und Goa. Für Pune fahren die Busse alle 10 Minuten ab. Crawford Market, Dadar T. T, Sion, Chembur und Borivili sind die wichtigsten Ausgangspunkte. Einige der zuverlässigen privaten Betreiber sind - National, Sharma, VRL, Konduskar, Dolphin, Paulo und Southern Travels. ST-Busse Die MSRTC (Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation), (Mumbai Central: 91 22 2307 4272 91 22 2307 6622, Parel: 91 22 2422 9905 Dadar: 91 22 2413 6835) allgemein bekannt als ST, betreibt Dienstleistungen für Mumbai aus verschiedenen Städten In Maharashtra Mumbai Central ist der wichtigste Terminus der Stadt. Alle großen Städte in Maharashtra und nahe gelegenen Staaten sind durch Mumbai Central Terminus verbunden. Die anderen wichtigen ST-Depots sind bei Parel, Nehru Nagar-Kurla und Borivali. Sie können Busse für ganz Maharashtra aus diesen Depots bekommen. Aber von Mumbai Central würden Sie Busse jederzeit und andere staatliche Transportbusse bekommen. Qualität variiert. Umhergehen Bearbeiten Die meisten Mumbais-Bewohner verlassen sich auf den öffentlichen Verkehr zu und von ihrem Arbeitsplatz wegen des Mangels an Parkplätzen, Verkehrsengpässen und allgemein schlechten Straßenverhältnissen, vor allem im Monsun. Allerdings reiten Sie in einem Taxi und Auto mindestens einmal in der Stadt. Wenn Sie nicht an indischen Straßen gewöhnt sind, kann eine Auto-Rikscha-Fahrt ein herzensbrechendes, todesmutiges, Gesetze-Physik-Biege-Abenteuer in einem Fahrzeug sein, das sich anfühlt, wie es bei einer Geschwindigkeit über 30 km mit auseinanderfallen könnte Ein Fahrer, der hes Schumacher denkt. Mit dem Taxi Bearbeiten Schwarzer Verstärker Gelb Top Taxi Bearbeiten Taxis sind billig und reichlich (15-18 sollte genug sein, um Sie von einem Ende der Stadt zum anderen zu nehmen). Die meisten Taxis in Mumbai sind klein-mittelgroße Autos (nicht klimatisiert), schwarz-gelb (schwarz am unteren Körper und gelb auf dem Dach). Sie können ein Taxi aus der Straße hageln. Allerdings sind viele ziemlich klapprig, schmutzig und tragen mechanische Fahrmeter, die manchmal manipuliert werden könnten. In zunehmendem Maße werden diese veralteten Premier-Taxis, die gemeinhin als Fiat-Taxis bezeichnet werden, durch kleine, aber effiziente Hyundai Santro und Suzuki Altos mit elektronischen Metern ersetzt. Auch nach dem Gesetz kann ein schwarz-gelber Taxifahrer keinen Fahrpreis verweigern. Wenn ein Fahrer sich weigert, droht eine Bedrohung, sich dem nächsten Polizisten zu beschweren, den Trick. Berechnen Taxi Tarif Berechnen Taxi Tarife durch das Lesen einer mechanischen Zähler und Umwandlung in einen Fahrpreis mit einer Tarifkarte, kann wie ein kompliziertes System erscheinen. Allerdings ist es ziemlich einfach. Lesen Sie einfach den Zähler, berechnen Sie den Fahrpreis, indem Sie den Zählerstand mit einer Tarifkarte anpassen, um den endgültigen Tarif zu erreichen - der Mindestpreis ist Rs 21 für die ersten 1,5 km und dann Rs 1 für alle 100 Meter. Prepaid-Pläne haben den Tarif am Anfang gesammelt und damit der Zählerstand ist nicht anwendbar. Für Nachtgebühren (Mitternacht bis 5 Uhr) markieren Sie den Fahrpreis um 25. Mit großen Gepäckstücken fügen Sie ca. Rs 10 pro Stück hinzu. Es ist ziemlich praktisch, die Taxi-Meter-Karte von der Mumbai Traffic Police ausgestellt zu haben. Jedoch, durch Verkehrsgesetze gehen, ist die Tarifkarte obligatorisch und sollte vom Taxiauto-Rikscha-Fahrer den Passagieren auf Anfrage zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Sie können online auf der Website von Mumbai Traffic Police zugreifen. 4. Beschwerden können auch online über die gleiche Website eingereicht werden. Es gibt Smartphone-Apps, die die Rate für Sie auf der Grundlage der Karte berechnen können - das sind sehr nützlich. Einige Fahrer können die Tarifkarte vergessen, oder Auto-Rikscha-Fahrer können die Taxikarte wählen, was teurer ist. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass das Messgerät zurückgesetzt wurde, bevor Sie gehen - wenn Ihr Fahrer sich weigert, das Messgerät zu benutzen, nehmen Sie eine andere Cabrickshaw. Man kann Taxi - und Auto-Tarife über die Website einschätzen. 5. Sie müssen den Namen von Ortsnamen und Ortsnamen eingeben und der Service berechnet die Entfernung, Fahrpreis und zeigt Ihnen auch eine Google-Karte mit der Route. Wenn Sie zusätzliche Gepäckstücke haben, wird der Stiefel (d. H. Kofferraum) des Taxis nicht genügend Platz - ein großer Koffer ist alles, was dort passen wird. Mieten eines Taxis mit einem Top-Träger wird besser sein. Top-Carrier können bis zu drei große Koffer unterbringen. Bevor Sie mit der Reise beginnen, stellen Sie sicher, dass das Gepäck sicher am Träger befestigt ist. Im Allgemeinen ist die einzige Möglichkeit, für das Standard-Taxi zu rufen, um eine auf der Straße zu hageln. Dies wird kein Problem sein, wenn Sie innerhalb der Stadtgrenzen sind (d. H. North Central Bombay und unten). Wenn Sie in den Vorstädten sind, wird es schwierig sein, ein Taxi zu finden, da sie von den billigeren Auto-Rikschas ausgetauscht worden sind. In letzter Zeit hat die staatliche Transportbehörde des Maharashtra-Staates auch eine Aufrufeinrichtung eingeführt, um diese Taxis zu buchen, man kann 022-61234567 anrufen, um schwarze und gelbe (Non-AC) und CoolCabs (AC) Taxis zu buchen. Die maximale Anzahl der Passagiere, die für eine Reise offiziell erlaubt sind, ist vier drei im Rücksitz und eine in der Front. Sicherheitsgurte sind nicht obligatorisch für Taxifahrer und die meisten Standard-Schwarz-Gelb-Taxis werden nicht einmal haben sie installiert, obwohl erwarten sie in den Marken-diejenigen. Private Taxis Bearbeiten Allerdings, wenn Sie eine komfortable, klimatisierte Fahrt zu einem kleinen Aufpreis von 25 Prozent über normale Taxis sein Bestes, um von Marken-Kabinen-Service, die mit staatlich anerkannten Tarifen zu betreiben wollen. Diese Dienste betreiben moderne Flotten mit gut ausgebildeten Fahrern. Sie können sie bei 30-60 Minuten beachten, sie sind sauber, klimatisiert, mit digitalen, manipulationssicheren Messgeräten ausgestattet, pünktlich, ehrlich und mit GPS ausgestattet - überwacht, was sie zu jeder Zeit weit sicher macht. Wenn Sie ein Mobiltelefon benutzen, erhalten Sie eine SMS mit dem Fahrernamen, der Mobilnummer und der Fahrzeugnummer 30 Minuten vor der geplanten Abfahrt. Die Gebühren sind Rs 27 für den ersten Kilometer und Rs 20 für nachfolgende Kilometer, mit einem 25 Nacht Zuschlag (Mitternacht-5AM). Manche können online gebucht werden. Folgen Sie dem Schlangensystem, um ein Taxi zu besteigen. Häufig werden Touristen und neue Besucher von skrupellosen Taxifahrern betäubt. Die meisten Fahrer sind ehrlich, aber die unehrlichen neigen dazu, sich auf Bahnhöfen und Flughäfen zu verteilen, wo sie leichter Sauger finden können. Es sei denn, Sie nehmen ein Prepaid-Taxi, immer fragen Taxis, um durch den Zähler zu gehen und haben keine Angst, ein anderes Taxi zu suchen, wenn der Fahrer weigert sich. Zu Beginn der Reise ist darauf zu achten, dass der Zähler sichtbar ist und die Fahne-Abschiedsmessung zeigt. Uber Ola Kabinen und GetMeCab sind auch leicht zugänglich und können entweder durch den Aufruf der Kundenbetreuung, durch mobile Apps oder über ihre Webseiten angegangen werden. Einige der beliebtesten Reiseziele in der Nähe von Mumbai wie Adlabs Imagica, Lonavala, Khandala, Alibaug, Kanakeshwar Mandir, Kolad, Shirdi, Pune usw. können durch die Einstellung eines Outstation Taxi Service für Hin-und Rückfahrt erkundet werden. GetMeCab (GetMeCab Taxi mieten), 91 9015154545 (infogetmecab), 6. GetMeCab ist ein Online-Autovermietung Aggregator bietet Out-Station Taxi-Lösungen in und um Mumbai für unsere Reise-Freunde. Buchen Sie ein Taxi mit Getmecab und erkunden Sie Mumbai mit Komfort und Zufriedenheit. Wenn Sie alleine reisen, besonders in der Nacht, dann sehen Sie immer den Zähler selbst und dann bezahlen Sie den Fahrpreis. Wenn du allein bist, setz dich vor, damit du den Meter sehen kannst. Die meisten Betrügereien finden an den Bahnstrecken und am Flughafen statt. Mit Auto-Rikscha Bearbeiten Auto-Rikschas dürfen nur über Bandra in den westlichen Vorstädten und über Sion in den zentralen Vororten hinaus operieren. Sie sind nicht ausgestellt Lizenzen in der Innenstadt. Bevor Sie abfahren, stellen Sie sicher, dass der Zähler sichtbar ist und zeigt den Flag-Down-Messwert als 15.00, was ist der minimale Tarif. Wenn die Zahl höher ist, besteht darauf, dass der Fahrer es noch einmal markiert. Der Zähler bleibt bei den ersten 1,5 km um 17.00 Uhr und der Fahrpreis ist Rs 1 für alle 100 Meter über die ersten 1,6 km. Der Meter hält auch tickend, wenn du wartet und du bist im Verkehr stecken. Die Wartegebühren sind 1 Rupie oder 100 Meter pro Minute. Es ist ziemlich praktisch, eine Kopie der Zählkarte zu haben, die von der Mumbai Traffic Police ausgestellt wurde. Allerdings sind in diesen Tagen Auto-Rikschas mit einem elektronischen Display-Tarif-Meter ausgestattet, der den Fahrpreis anzeigt. Distanzweg führte Wartezeit. Auto-Rikschas sind langsamer als Autos und haben schreckliche Aufhängungen. Schwangere Damen werden am dringendsten empfohlen, nicht durch Auto-Rikschas zu reisen, da die Kombination von Hautausschlag, schlechten Aussetzungen und schrecklichen Straßenverhältnissen zu schweren Komplikationen geführt haben. Die Auto-Rikscha ist ein langsames und unangenehmes Fahrzeug und wird nicht für sehr lange Distanzen empfohlen. Mit dem Bus Bearbeiten Brihanmumbai Electric Supply und Transport (bekannt als BEST) 7 bietet effiziente und umfassende Dienstleistungen, die alle Orte der Stadt und der Vorstädte verbinden. Einige Dienste verbinden auch die Stadt mit den ausgedehnten Vorstädten wie Navi Mumbai, Thane und Mira-Bhayanadar. Sitze sind fast immer besetzt. Es gibt Bushaltestellen in der ganzen Stadt. Es gibt normalerweise eine Menge und Schlange. Sie müssen durch den hinteren Eingang einsteigen und an der Vorderseite aussteigen. Tickets werden von einem uniformierten Dirigenten ausgegeben, nachdem du eingetroffen bist. Spezielle Sitze sind für Damen, Senioren, Behinderte, erwartete Frauen und Frauen mit Kleinkindern gekennzeichnet. Sie können von vorne hereinkommen. Busse fahren von 5 Uhr nach Mitternacht. Ausgewählte Routen laufen jenseits dieser Zeiten, aber viel weniger oft. Die durchschnittliche Häufigkeit zwischen den Bussen reicht von fünf bis 30 min je nach Route. Fahrpreise sind vernünftig und Busse können während der Stoßzeiten gereist werden, im Gegensatz zu Zügen, die viel zu voll sind. Einige Kofferrouten werden aber sehr überfüllt. Peak-Stunden haben auch Verkehrs-Snarls, die von der Strecke und dem Zustand der Straßen abhängen können. Was verbindet elektrische Versorgung und Transport BESTE in den Transport, indem sie eine Straßenbahngesellschaft. Nun, natürlich, es läuft Busse, die auf Diesel-Verstärker CNG laufen, nicht Strom. Das Unternehmen ist weiterhin verantwortlich für die Stromverteilung für Süd - und Zentral-Mumbai. Busse sind nummeriert und das endgültige Ziel ist auf der Vorderseite in Marathi und auf der Seite in Englisch markiert. Im Allgemeinen sind Busse rund um die Stadt und Kofferrouten in der Serie 1-199. Busse in den westlichen Vorstädten würden die 200er Serie sein, während die in den zentralen und östlichen Vorstädten in die 300 und 400er Serie kommen würden. Dienstleistungen nach Navi, Mumbai sind in der 500er Serie und Busse zum Mira-Bhayander Bereich sind in der 700er Serie. Die beste Website hat eine nette Tool 8, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Reise zu planen. BEST hat den DayPass eingeführt (Kosten für Erwachsene Rs 70 (über Mumbai, Mira-Bhayander, Navi Mumbai und Thane) - für Kinder weniger), ein Ticket gültig den ganzen Tag (bis Mitternacht) auf allen Bussen außer Express und AC Dienstleistungen. AC Day Pass kostet Rs 150- (über Mumbai, Mira-Bhayander, Navi Mumbai und Thane) - ein Ticket gültig den ganzen Tag (bis Mitternacht) auf allen BEST AC amp Non-AC Busse. Aber irgendwelche von solchen Tages-Pass können nur von den Passagieren, die die SMART Foto-ID-Karte (Kosten Rs 25-) ausgestellt von BEST. Mit dem Zug Bearbeiten Mumbai S-Bahn Route Karte Suburban Rail Network Bearbeiten Die meisten Menschen reisen in Mumbai mit dem Suburban Rail Network gemeinhin als Locals bezeichnet. Mumbai hat ein umfangreiches Netzwerk mit drei Linien der Western Line, der Central Main Line und der Harbor Line. Mumbai ist eine lineare Stadt und die Western Line reist von Churchgate nach Virar über Mumbais Western Suburbs. Die Western-Linie bietet Nord-Süd-Konnektivität. Langsame Nahverkehrszüge (MEMUs-Main Line Electric Multiple Units) können auch über die Dahanu Road hinausgehen. Die Central Main Line reist von Mumbai CST (Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus), aka VT Victoria Terminus nach Kalyan über Mumbais Central Suburbs und Thane. Mit einigen langsamen Diensten, die über Karjat, Khopoli und Kasara hinausgehen. Der Wechselpunkt zwischen der Western Line und der Central Line ist Dadar. Die Harbor Line hat eine gemeinsame Strecke zwischen Mumbai CST (aka VT Victoria Terminus) und Vadala. Die Hafenlinie spaltet sich in zwei Sporen, die wichtigsten, die nach Mumbais Eastern Suburbs und Navi Mumbai, bis zu Panvel laufen. Der Wechselpunkt dieser Linie mit der Central Main Line ist bei Kurla. Der andere Sporn der Harbor Line läuft bis zu Mahim auf der Western Line und läuft parallel zu Andheri. The interchange stations with the Western line are Bandra and Andheri. Trains on all lines start operations after 4AM and close operations between midnight and 1AM. Second class travel is very cheap. However, it is advisable to buy first class tickets as the economy class is extremely crowded. First Class can be quite expensive and if four people are travelling together, a taxi might be better. There would always be queues and it would be advisable to buy coupon booklets. If you are a tourist, you can buy a Tourist Ticket. It costs Rs.275 and you can travel in first class compartments of all the three lines during the entire day. Ensure the location of the first class compartment before the train arrives. You may ask fellow passengers or the vendors at the various food stalls. An easier way to spot the location of the First class compartment is to check the station walls painted with red and yellow slant stripes. Avoid using local trains during rush hour (first class or otherwise). Rush hour is 8:30AM-10:30AM towards CST and Churchgate and 5:30PM-8:30PM in the opposite direction. If you must transit during rush hour . avoid, at all costs, standing near the train car entry, as you will be swamped by a frantic, every man for himself, stampede of men attempting to get on the car. Take no offense if you are pushed and shoved about, as passengers jostle for a spot. As you near your exit station, ensure that you are as close as possible to the train door, as experienced commuters, will be begin the mad run to be first on, or off, the car before the car comes to a full stop If you stand any chance of getting onoff before the train depart, you must be equally aggressive in your focus to exitenter, remember no one will take offense if you make contact with others, as you wriggle by Last, but not least, exitingentering a train before it comes to a full stop is not something to be taken lightly, one misstep can send a person onto the rails with an amazing ease Leave the stunts to the experienced locals. There are special coaches for women on both classes. These are designated by green and yellow slant stripes, spot these stripes on the station walls and youll know where the ladies compartment is. These are generally less crowded and safer. But very late at night, it might actually be safer to travel by the general coach than the first-class womens coach, as the latter may be absolutely empty except for you. From 11.15pm - 6:30am the ladies compartment towards the northern end is open to general public. Sometimes they have a cop guarding the coaches, but sometimes they wont. Use your judgment. Mumbai Metro Edit The Mumbai Metro was launched on Sunday, the 8th of June 2014. An inaugural offer of Rs 10 as fare for the month. Now the fares range from Rs. 10-40 depending on the distance between the stations. Stations: Mumbai Metro has 12 stations in the V-A-G corridor namely Versova, D. N. Nagar, Azad Nagar, Andheri, Western Express Highway. J. B. Nagar, Airport Road, Marol Naka, Saki Naka, Asalpha, Jagruti Nagar and Ghatkopar. The Andheri metro station is connected to the Andheri Western Railway Station (andheri local station). It is also important to note that the Airport Road station is 2kms away from the international airport and not directly connected to it. Schedule: The 1st train leaves from Versova at 05:35 hrs and last train leaves at 23:12 hrs. The 1st train leaves from Ghatkopar at 05:31 hrs and last train leaves at 23:39 hrs. There is a train every 4 minutes during peak hours and every 8 minutes on non-peak hours, Sundays and public holidays. Ref: reliancemumbaimetrotrainschedule. html By ferry Edit These are a few intra-city ferry services: Gateway of India to Elephanta caves Fast boats and Catamarans operated by private operators. These are moderately priced. This is the only way to get to Elephanta Caves. Marve Jetty (Malad) to Manori Jetty Cheap ferry connecting Manori and Gorai. Also services for Esselworld (Amusement Park). Versova (Andheri) to Madh Jetty Cheap ferry connecting MadhErangalAksaMarve. Gorai (Borivali) to Gorai Beach Low cost ferry connecting Gorai BeachEsselworld. By car Edit Travel agents and hotels can arrange private chauffeur driven cars to provide services. Expensive by comparison with taxis, they are the most trusted, secure, and comfortable way to travel around the city. Driving in Mumbai can be difficult, because of poor driver discipline, but chauffeur driven services are very reasonable. These can be arranged by travel companies or online from the countries of origin. However, if one wants to drive cars themselves, the option of self-drive rental cars also exist. Zoom car and Just Drive are two service providers of such cars. By bike Edit It is also possible to navigate the city and its outskirts with bikes. Although, tourists may find it extremely difficult to ride bikes due to poor road conditions. There are very few bike rental services in Mumbai and some of them allow online advanced booking like: Born to ride ( Born to Ride ), ( 2 kms. from Versova Metro ), 9. Rs 1800-5000day. ( 19.14. 72.81 ) 160edit Mumbai is Indias melting pot a confluence of people from various parts of India, but dominant are people from the west, then north, and followed by the south. Marathi is the state and city official language used by State Government agencies, municipal authorities, and the local police, and also the first language of most locals. However, being Indias largest city and main commercial centre, Mumbai is now also home to migrants from other parts of India who do not speak Marathi. A local variant of Hindi. with strong Bollywood influence, called Bambaiya Hindi serves as the lingua franca and although almost everyone can understand normal Hindi, you may get an interesting reply from some. Most educated locals will be trilingual in Marathi, Hindi and English. English is widely used in the corporate world and in banking and trading. At most places, you will be able to get by with Hindi and English, as most people you will encounter can communicate in broken English at the very least. However expect to hear more regional languages including Gujarati. Kannada. Telugu. Tamil. Sindhi based on work amp location. According to 2011 census Mumbai has a literacy rate of 94.7, higher than the national average of 86.7. Locals in Mumbai can manage to speak in broken English and those working in corporates and belonging to middle, upper middle and high class can speak fluent english. The game of names The names of Mumbais monuments tell us the story of which way political winds were blowing when they were built. In the late 19th century the British named everything after their Queen, so we had Victoria terminus, Victoria Gardens, and the Victoria Jubilee Technical Institute (built in 1887 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Her Majestys coronation). In the early 20th century, they named everything after the Prince of Wales. After independence the colonial names could not be retained of course, so they were renamed. Depending on whether the city was suffering from bouts of nationalistic pride or Marathi pride at that time, they were named after either Jawaharlal Nehru (the first Prime Minister of India) or Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaj (King Shivaji, who founded the Maratha empire in the 18th century). Often, they were named after Shivajis mother, Jijabai. The advantage of this was that using Veermata Jijabai (Courageous mother Jijabai) for a place that was earlier named for Victoria maintains the same abbreviation, so Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (formerly Victoria Jubilee Technical Institute) is still VJTI. For a traveller, the practical problem would be that many places have multiple names. Multiple places are named after Nehru, Shivaji, or Jijabai, so you need to be careful about specifying which place you need to get to. Few important names changes to remember are: Victoria Terminus is now Chhtrapati Shivaji Terminus Jacob Circle is now Saat Rasta or Sant Gaadge Maharaj Chowk Kings Circle is now Maheshwari Udyyan Kurla Terminus is now Lokmanya Tilak Terminus There is a lot to see in Mumbai, but the typical tourist sights are concentrated in South Mumbai. By Indian standards, Mumbai is a young city and much of the land comprising the city did not exist until it was claimed from the sea over three centuries ago. It is therefore, a pleasant surprise to find rock cut caves such as the Elephanta, Kanheri, and Mahakali within city limits. Colonial buildings Edit The British built a magnificent city within the walls of Fort St. George, which lies at the southern extremity of the city. Some fine examples of the Gothic revival, Neo-classical style and Indo-Saracenic style are seen within this area. To get the best South Mumbai experience, stroll around the wide streets of the area right from Churchgate to Colaba. These areas are all beautifully planned and have wide and clean pavements unlike the rest of the city. Famous monuments to be seen in this area are the Gateway of India, the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (Victoria Terminus) building, the Municipal Corporation and Police Headquarters and the Chhatrapati Shivaji Vastu Sanghralaya (formerly, the Prince Of Wales museum). The famous Taj Mahal hotel is located just opposite the Gateway of India. The Mumbai University buildings and the High Court are also excellent examples of colonial architecture in the city. There are a lot of other modern structures to look at in this area. The area known as Marine Drive (right from Chowpatty beach to NCPA) is home to a large number of buildings built in the Art Deco style. Mumbai is second only to Miami in the number of Art Deco buildings. some famous buildings in this style are the Eros and Regal cinemas. Museums and galleries Edit Some of the most famous museums and art galleries in India are found here. The Kala Ghoda area in South Mumbai teems with them, particularly the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya (Prince of Wales Museum) 10. and the National Gallery of Modern Art 11. Once again, most of them are concentrated in South Mumbai. Also worth planning a visit is Jehangir Art Gallery, also at Kala Ghoda, displays changing exhibits by notable artists. The plaza next to the gallery also regularly displays exhibits of various artists. Situated in Nehru Complex in Worli is Nehru Centre Art Gallery at Worli, a gallery dedicated to young and promising talent along with established artists. Also within the complex is located a permanent exposition, Discovery of India, which attempts to cover every aspect of artistic, intellectual and philosophical attainment of India through ages. The exposition spreads across 14 galleries and reflects true identity of the country. On the other end of the complex, Nehru Science Centre - which has a separate entrance from Mahalaxmi race course road, has a permanent exhibition on interactive and exciting science related exhibits highlighting science principles in fun yet educational way. Beaches Edit Mumbai has a few beaches, including one in the downtown area. But they arent that great and the water off Mumbais coast is extraordinarily dirty. The relatively better ones are in the Northwest Mumbai area. However, they are a great place to see how the locals spend their Sunday evenings, with various food and game stalls. There are other beaches to be found such as the Girgaon Chowpaty in South Mumbai, Juhu beach in the western suburbs and Aksa Beach in Malad. The currents dont seem strong, but particularly in the rains, lots of people die from drowning, so avoid getting in the water (especially at Aksa Beach). A word of advice to women: Bombay beaches are not the kind you can wear swimsuits to, particularly two-pieces. Zoos, parks and gardens Edit Mumbai has a justified reputation as a concrete jungle, but there are some nice pockets of greenery within the city. It is also one of the rare metropolises to have an entire national park within its borders. (Borivali national park also known as Sanjay Gandhi National Park12 ). You will not visit Mumbai for them, but if you are already here, they make a nice escape from the din and bustle. It also houses the ancient Kanheri Caves crafted out of rocky cliffs, which dates back to 2,400 years. Entrance fee: IndiansForeigns 3030 Besides, at Andheri in the North there is a nice little Bhavans Nature Adventure Centre offering nature trails, animal care sessions and adventure activities, interesting for children and youngsters 5 minute walk from Azadnagar metro station and 15 minute walk from Andheri station The city zoo (Veermata Jijabai Udyan) is in Byculla and is a colonial relic which is surprisingly well-preserved. The animals may look rather emaciated, but the sheer diversity of trees on this lush zoo is worth a trip. Some city parks are very well-maintained and combine history as well. The Hanging Gardens on Malabar Hill offers stunning vistas of the Marine Drive. Opposite the Hanging Gardens, there is another park which is known as Kamla Nehru Park, famous for the striking shoe-shaped structure which has been filmed in various Bollywood movies Further in South Mumbai, the Mumbai Port Trust Garden, is another hidden gem. This is set off a small side street off the Colaba Causeway 2-3 kms south of the main section. Once again, lovely views of the port, the naval yards, and sunset. In central Mumbai, there are the Five Gardens. Mainly used by walkers in the morning, it is a mess in the evenings. But the gardens encircle some historic, art deco residences. Markets and crowds Edit Mumbai is probably worth visiting just for its street markets, the hustle of vendors, and the madness of the crowds. If you are interested in buying handicrafts, brass items, crystals or jewelry, then, you should head to Colaba market or can visit Silver Centrre by Sangeeta Boochra inside cottons at kemps corner for authentic indian jewellery. Modern buildings and malls Edit Once the British left, the zeal to wipe away the traces of colonial rule was, unfortunately, not matched by the enthusiasm to build a new city that matched the grandeur of the British-era buildings. Now, while the shabbiness of the socialist era is thankfully being replaced by architecture with an eye on aesthetics, the new malls, multiplexes, and office buildings that are coming up are indistinguishable from those anywhere else in the world. Still, they are worth a look, especially if you want to have a look at Indias success story. Skyscrapers exceeding 60 stories now dominate the skyline. For long, Inorbit Mall was the only mall offering a lot of variety for shoppers. Palladium, built within the High Street Phoenix, broke the monopoly of Inorbit Mall. From state of the art interiors to international brands, the Palladium has everything. Nirmal Lifestyles Mall in Mulund and Metro Junction Mall in Kalyan used to be two of the largest malls in Mumbai. R-City in Ghatkopar is now the biggest and best mall in the City. Located in the central suburbs, they are quite popular in the city. Powai is a modern central mumbai suburb with European looks. Powai houses the Indian Institute of Technology and is built around fabulous lake. Most of the construction is in a township format and is privately built. It houses twenty top of the line restaurants, two large convenience stores, a handful of coffee shops and entertainment areas. Initially built as an upmarket self contained township, Powai has now grown into a business process outsourcing hub in Mumbai. The township reflects both characteristics you will often find families shopping and twenty somethings hanging out in tables next to each other. Religious places Edit Mumbai has temples, mosques, churches, Parsi agiaries, and even a few synagogues reflecting the diversity of its citizens. While these are naturally of interest if you are a believer, some, like the Portuguese church at Dadar are worth visiting just for their unique architecture. Haji Ali Dargah is one of the most visited places in Mumbai. The Dargah Sharief is built on a tiny islet located 500 meters from the coast, in the middle of Worli Bay, in the vicinity of Worli. People from different religion and places visit this places. More than 80,000 people visit dargah every week. One notable monument in the northwest suburbs of Mumbai is the Global Vipassana Pagoda (Global Pagoda). Gorai, Mumbai. It is a meditation centre that can seat 8000 people. Vipassana literally means meditation, and the centre runs 10-day meditation courses and 1 day mega course on Sundays. The courses are free of cost but you would have to register for them in advance on their website. Siddhivinayak temple of Mumbai is very famous. It is located in Dadar and you can easily get a taxi to go to the temple from the Dadar railway station. The city also boasts of Jewish places of worship predominantly in the area called Byculla. In this area the three prominent sub castes amongst inhabiting Jews of Mumbai lived. They were Bagdadi Jews, Bene Israelis and the locals who had converted over a period of time and lived in the hinterland. There are two Hare Krishna (ISKCON) temples located near the Juhu beaches and Chowpatty beaches. They are very popular tourist attractions ranking in the top 5 Mumbai attractions (tripadvisor) The devotees perform active worship of Lord Krishna and one can hear and participate in the sacred Hare Krishna chanting. Itineraries Edit Two days in Mumbai - your guide to spending two days in the city. Camping Edit There are many spots near mumbai in which you can go for camping. Camping can be done safely on spots such as Lonavala, Tungarli Lake, Valvan Lake, Rajmachi, Mahableshwar, Panchgani, Kashid amp Phansad. You can try out letscampout 13 for more options on camping near Mumbai. Rusticville 14 offers excellent hill top camping at Tikona near Lonavala. Weekend Getaways Edit Mumbai is in close proximity to hill stations, beaches and jungles. Places like Matheran, Lonavala, Alibaug, Khandala Panchgani and Mahabaleshwar are some of the destinations which can be done over a weekend. There are several companies that connect all of these places with individual travelers and corporate travelers from Mumbai. LifeIsOutside. 91 88800 36677 (bookingslifeisoutside ), 15. LifeIsOutside has a good collection of short breaks and weekend getaways within driving distance from Mumbai. It also has a decent selection of group outing options 16 160edit ZaraHutke. 91 98670 00918 (infozarahutke. in ), 17. ZaraHutke. in brings to you Offbeat Stays amp Experiences, Farm Stays, Home Stays, Eco Retreats, Beach Resorts amp Weekend Getaways in Mumbai, Maharashtra amp Goa 18 160edit There is a lot to do in Mumbai, but lack of space means that for outdoorsy activities, you need to head north, often outside city limits. In the Northwestern suburbs and Thane, you will find opportunities for water sports like H2019 at Girgaum Chowpatty. There are two golf courses in the city, the more famous one in Chembur20 in the Harbor suburbs. Mumbai has a vibrant theater scene with plays in many languages including English, Hindi, Gujarati, and Marathi. While South Mumbai has frequent performances, the best organized theater effort is at Prithvi theater, Juhu in the Western Suburbs. There are plenty of opportunities to enjoy Indian classical music and dance. While not a patch on the Sabhas of Chennai, you will find frequent performances of Carnatic music in Shanmukhananda Hall, Matunga in the South Central suburbs. Mumbai is also usually the first stop for Western pop and rock stars visiting India, which they usually do when they are over 50. The Rock scene is very good in Mumbai. These are very safe to go to and are recommended for rock fans. Most bands cover heavy metal acts like Pantera, Six feet under, and Slipknot, but at places like Not just jazz by the bay, there are treats for Jazz fans, as well. To try to find places with specific music tastes try asking students outside Mumbais colleges. Western classical music performances are rarer. However most classical music performances along with other art forms are regularly performed at NCPA 21 and Tata Theatre 22. both situated next to the the narrow strip at Nariman Point. Experience Bollywood plan a trip Film City located in Goregaon and enjoy the first hand experience of Bollywood shooting Watch a Movie you are in the land of Bollywood. Expect whistles and clapping by crowd in admiration of their celebrities on the screen. Most of the cinema halls run both popular and new Bollywood as well as Hollywood movies and some even screen ones in regional languages. Some of the popular Hollywood screening cinema halls in South Mumbai are Eros opposite Churchgate, Metro on M. G.Road, Regal in Colaba, Sterling next to CST Station, and New Excelsior in Fort. Checkout newspaper listing to get the list of latest screenings. Visit Essel World . a large amusement park in Gorai Take A Dip at Water World Visit museums and art galleries Pub Hopping . The number and variety of Pubs in the city allow for an enthralling Pub Hopping opportunity. Borivili National Park . or go for Flamingo watching in Chembur (check with Bombay Natural History Society for further info). Do Rock Climbing, Adventure, learn about plants, insects, birds, interact with Animals at Bhavans Nature Adventuree Centre Andheri Watch Cricket for free cricket is has a national games stature in India, and Mumbaiites revere that every day of the year. Azad Maidan (Azad ground) near C. S.T. Railway station, ground opposite to Ruia College in Matunga and Shivaji Park in Dadar west are some of the best places to witness the cricket fever for free. Look out and you may be even lucky to witness ongoing game of cricket on some of the empty streets of Mumbai. Temples there are so many religious places around in the city (both old and new) that one can plan a day long itinerary on that. Start with Mahalkshmi Temple, Banganga Temple, Siddhi Vinayak, Afghan Church, Mahim Church, Haji Ali. the list will get really long. Take a Slum Tour . Tours from Reality Tours and Travel 23. or Be the Local Tours 24. can be set up to walk through Dharavi, one of Asias largest slums and the heart of small-scale industry in Mumbai. Both groups are socially conscious: Reality Tours and Travel uses 80 of their profits to support the activities of their sister NGO, while Be the Local is run by students in Dharavi. Both offer tours from Rs 500 which take 2.5-3.5 hours. Reality Tours and Travel also offer a long tour for Rs. 1200 which includes a trip to Dhobi Ghat, the largest open air laundry in the world as well as the red light district. Short walks are also available from Be the Local while Reality Tours and Travel provides other city tours (including a Bicycle Tour, Market Tour, Night Tour, and a Public Transport Tour.) Note: Photos are not permitted during either groups tour of the slum, out of respect for the residents. If you must have that slum pic, just provide your guide with your email details, they will be happy to arrange to email you a nice set of pics. Cruise on a Harbor Cruise cruises from Gateway of India leave every 30 min daily except during the monsoon season (Jun-Sep). Rs 40. Join for Heritage walks 25 organized by two architects, these walks take you around various historic and architecturally significant areas of the city. Walks are organized on the third Sunday of every month (with a break from June through August for the monsoons) and the route varies each time. The walks last around 90 min. Rs 100 ( Discounted rates for students and the physically challenged ). Walk along Marine Drive also known as Queens Necklace . this beachside promenade is worth a ride. A walk can be planned from Girgaon Chowpati (Girgaon beach) all the way upto Nariman Point. Be carefull and avoid this area during heavy rains. Take a morning walk on Juhu beach Celebrate at the Kala Ghoda Festival . 26. The arts and crafts festival is held in the last week of Jan or first week of Feb annually in the historic precinct of Kala ghoda in Mumbai. Taj private yacht if you can afford it (at 300hr, including drinks amp meals), rent the Tajs private yacht (has two sun decks and three bedrooms) for a cruise around the Mumbai harbor. Poonawallas Breeders Multimillion on the last Sunday of February, the glitterati of Mumbai dress up for the Ascot of Mumbai at the Mahalaxmi Race Course. With High Tea, amazing hats, and hundreds of ordinary punters staking their little all on the outside chance, this is the event to attend in Mumbai so try to cage a ticket if you happen to visit around then. Enjoy theatre amp performances Mumbai offers unlimited opportunities to theatre lovers and there are regular shows across theatres in the city. Check newspapers on latest shows as well as performances at prominent halls such as Prithvi Theatre, NCPA, Tata Theatre. Get crowded . and try catching suburban trains at peak times. You are warned though. Chowpati Jayenge Bhel Puri Khayenge as it says in the lyrics of one of the Bollywood movie song, go to beaches (specially in the evenings) and enjoy local favorite Bhel Puri while the sun sets in the Arabic sea. Festivals Edit While many religious festivals are celebrated by people in Mumbai, a few of these are essentially public and social occasions, where the traveler can participate. Organized festivals amp events Edit Mumbai Festival (Jan) Sample the vibrant culture of the city. The festival covers theater, sports, fashion, food, and shopping. Banganga Festival (Jan) The musical festival is organized by Maharashtra Tourism (MTDC) 27 annually at Banganga Tank on Malabar Hill. Elephanta Festival (March) Organized by Maharashtra Tourism 28. the festival of music and dance at Elephanta Caves has in the past festivals have seen performances by renowned artists like Alarmel Valli, Sanjeev Abhyankar, and Ananda Shankar and traditional Koli dances as well as traditional food. 7PM-10PM ( Ferries start at 4PM ), Rs 300 per day (includes to and from journey by ferry from Gateway of India to Elephanta Island ) Mumbai Wine Fest (Feb) Wine connoisseurs across the city gather to sample wines, enjoy the culinary delights while soaking in the cultural extravaganza put up at Kala Ghoda. Religious festivals Edit Holi (March) is often known as The Festival of Colours. It is held every year on the day of the full moon in the Hindu calendar month of Phalgun (March). During this time, the country dances, bathes and celebrates life in all the colours of the rainbow imaginable. Janmashtami (JulAug) Birth Anniversary of Lord Krishna. Earthen pots full of curd are strung high up across the streets. Young men stand on top of one another to form a human pyramid and attempt to break the pots. Ramadan-Id Muslim festival marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan. Marked by feasting at many places. Non-Muslims can also join in. Ganesh Chaturthi (AugSep) is one of Mumbais most important and colorful festivals. During the 10 day celebration, Lord Ganesh is worshiped in millions of homes. See the colourful processions and participate in them. The Lalbaug, Parel, Matunga and Dadar areas represent some of the best large scale decorations. On the last day of the festival, processions are carried out to bid bye to the loved deity in the sea. These presentations are colourful and carry a celebration fever. The best places to watch them are Girgaon and Dadar chowpati (beach) or the main roads such as Ambedkar road from where the processions are carried out. Mt. Marys Feast (Sep) The feast in honor of Our Lady of the Mount is celebrated with great solemnity at St. Marys Church, Bandra. A week long Bandra fair is held during this time attracting huge crowds. Navratri (SepOct) is a 10 day festival, where nine of the nights are spent in worship and entire Mumbai swings to the rhythm of Garba and Raas dances of Gujarati community. Diwali (OctNov) Festival of Lights. Start of New Year and opening of new accounts. Worshiping of Goddess Laxmi. Participate in the fireworks and view the bright lights. Christmas (Dec) This is charcterised by midnight (nowadays held around 8-9PM on Christmas eve due to restrictions on loud speakers) masses in churches and is usually followed by a number of private parties all across the city. Sports Edit Mumbai inherits the cricket fever justifiably and has 3 of the finest Crickets stadiums namely Brabourne Stadium (Churchgate), Wankhede Stadium (Marine Lines) and D. Y.Patil Stadium (Navi Mumbai). Several of international cricket matches and domestic championships such as IPL have been played in these stadiums. Watch out for upcoming cricket stadium to join the cricket frenzy crowd. Apart from these, Ruia College, Shivaji Park, Azad Maidan, Marine Lines are some of the places where live cricket action can be seen for free. Alternatively if you are a football (soccer) fan, you may want to visit Cooperage Football ground (Colaba) for a local league match. For swimming enthusiasists, Mahatma Gandhi Swimming Pool (Dadar W) is the place to visit. For horse racing, head straight to Mahalakshmi Race Course (Mahalakshmi). Powai hosts some of the finest Golf fields. For others there are many sport activities including Tennis, Table Tennis, Badminton which can be practised at various clubs. Gyms are plenty and can be easily found. Learn Edit Nariman Point and Fort are the commercial hubs of the city and the most sought after destinations. There is a significant expatriate population working in the banks and financial services industries. Bandra-Kurla region has come up in recent years too, but remains less desirable. Advertising industry is a prominent industry in Mumbai. Many of the top advertisings companies such as Lintas, OampM, Saatchi amp Saatchi, Contract, Trikaya Grey have their offices in the city. A good idea to make quick money is to work part-time in a BPO or a call center most of which are concentrated at Mindspace, Malad(W) and Hiranandani Gardens (Powai). A part-time job can pay you as much as Rs 15,000 a month for just six hours a day for five days in a week. Only good for English speaking travelers. Foreigners can also earn a quick buck as extras in Bollywood movies. Pay rates average Rs 500-700 for a full day (8AM-8PM). Bring a book as there is alot of time spent sitting around, so its not something do do for the money. Normally you wont have to look for them as they will be asking tourists near Leopolds or your hotel manager may ask you when you book in. Visa and Master cards are widely accepted in the city shops. Many shopping establishments also accept American Express, Diners and host of other cards. However, some of the small shops or family-run shops may not accept these cards and some handy cash can be of help here. ATMs are widely available and many debit cards accepted as well. If you have an Indian bank account or credit card, you may not need to carry too much of cash. If you are a foreigner, it is a good idea to carry some cash to avoid charges while using your credit or debit card. In general, costs in Mumbai are higher than the rest of India, though they are still much lower by Western standards. Jewellery Edit Silver Centrre by Sangeeta Boochra . 29 located at inside cottons opposite gangar opticians. mehta mansion. kemps corner. mumbai ( landline - 022-23649720 ) . is a govt approved Jeweller for generations - designer Sangeeta Boochra is the leading jewellery designer of the country. Oldest Jewellery brand in Silver Jewellery. Here you will find exquisite jewellery for all age groups. they do tribal. traditional and contemporary jewellery which has the essence of India. The brand continuously work towards the upliftment of the Indian Artisans and Kaarigars who work in the villages and do not have a platform to showcase their work. They have tribal Jewellery from Rajasthan. Madhya Pradesh. Gujrat. Tamil Nadu. Kashmir etc. The designer gives her own design signature to all the pieces. A must recommended place to buy jewellery when in India. The prices are affordable and an air-conditioned shop with english speaking staff. The quality of items is quite good. You can pay with credit cards . The brand is from Johari Bazar Jaipur and is more then 119 years old. Individual listings can be found in Mumbais district articles The shopping experience in the city is a study in contrasts. At the lower end of the spectrum are street vendors. Existing at the borderline of legality, entire streets have been given over to these hawkers and in many places it is impossible to walk on the footpaths, because they have blocked the way. On the other hand, these vendors often give you a great bargain though you will have to haggle a lot and be careful about what to buy. Theres nothing like taking a local along to shop for you. Some famous shopping streets are: Chor bazaar . ( get down at the Grant Rd station on the Western Line. The market is on the east side of the station ). Chor Bazar which literally translates to Thief Market is a colloquial term used to refer a place selling stolen items. It consists of number of interconnecting by-lanes with street vendors hawking a wide variety of items from antiques to shoes to car accessories etc. The place can be quite a surprise for the number and type of items on sale. A great place to spot bargains and bartering is a must. Shop with a keen eye - look out for fakes or second hand items that are shoddily repaired and can be passed out for a quick buck. Fashion Street . ( from Chruchgate Station start walking towards Flora Fountain make a left turn and its a block down ). Best place in Mumbai to buy cheap clothes. Bargaininghaggling skills are a must if you want to shop here Offer to pay 14 of the asking price or less and then work your way upwards. Colaba Causeway . is filled with tourists and locals. It is located very close to the Gateway of India. It is a place where you will be able to find many authentic Indian souvenirs, antiques, carpets, and chandeliers. But foreigners will have to be very careful, as all these stores are road-side stalls. What may seem a good price that the person has quoted to you, it will actually be a rip off. Do not settle for anything more than one-fourth the quoted price. If they refuse a price just walk away and they will call you back quoting a lower price. Normally, the more you buy, the less you will have to pay for each individual item. Zaveri Bazaar . Best known jewelry Market, all at one place. Mangaldas Market . for silk and cloth Bhuleshwar Market . for fruits and vegetables Dadar (W) Flower Market . Visit early morning to see colourful and wholesale flower market in action Crawford Market . It is now officially known as the Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Market. But locals still refer to it by its old name. It is within 10 minutes walking distance from the Chatrapati Shivaji Terminus on the Central Line in South Mumbai. Earlier it was the major wholesale trading market for fruits amp vegetables. Now it houses shops selling imported items such as food, cosmetics, household and gift items. Family-run shops . Or one could do shopping at family-run shops, where the items are behind the counter and one has to ask the salesperson to get items from the list. The traditional way to buy sarees or jewelry is to go to a shop where you sit on a bedspread laid out on the floor and the salespeople bring out their wares one-by-one until you make a decision. Shops like Bharat Kshetra in Dadar have scaled this model up to such an extent that they have a two-storied complex where you can do the same. Shopping Malls . Mumbai has been experiencing a boom in malls in the past few years. You can combine your shopping, dining out, and watching movies all in one place. What to buy Edit Jewellery . Authentic jewellery by Silver Centrre ( Sangeeta Boochra ) Jaipur. inside cottons at kemps corner. Khadi clothing . Khadi is an authentic Indian variety of home spun cotton. Mahatma Gandhi advocated the use of khadi as a form of satyagraha against the use of foreign goods and a form of rural self-employment for India during the pre-independence days. Check out the Khadi Gram Udyog Bhavan located at 286, DN Road, Near the Mumbai GPO amp Chatrapati Shivaji Terminus. It is run by the Khadi Gramudyog Vikas Samiti 30 which is an umbrella organization started by the Mahatma himself which today has evolved into a government registered unit promoting the use of khadi. A good place to buy souvenirs including khadi Indian flags. These are similar in type to the ones used during the freedom struggle. It also houses other forms of fabrics like pure cotton wool, and silk. Items on sale include Blankets, Sweaters, Shirt pieces, Sandals, Shoes, Folders, Files, etc. All the items are hand made. Some of the items make use of natural straw. They also offer a collection of handmade paper products. Traditional clothing amp handicrafts . State government operated emporiums such as those for Maharashtra, Gujarat, Jammu amp Kashmir etc sell state specific items of clothing and handicrafts. These are located in places around South Mumbai or the shopping arcades of Five Star Hotels. There is also a Central Cottage Industries Corporation of India Emporium located near the Gateway of India beside the Tendulkars restaurant. The items on display include embroidered clothing, carvings, paintings, sculptures etc and are reasonably priced. Amongst the private labels, Fabindia 31 is a must visit for its variety of kurtas tunics, salwars, pyjamas, churidars amp dupattas. They also offer bedspreads, cushion covers, decorative pillows, quilts, table linens, home furniture etc. Just like the government owned emporiums, Fabindia operates on a cottage industries model where products are hand crafted by artisans and sourced from villages across India. Good quality, smart colours, trendy designs but prices are a bit on the higher side. Stores are located across Mumbai. Prrems - The Winter Wear Store houses a range of silk scarfs, made in India. It is located on Linking Road, Khar (West). Cotton clothes . Mumbai is great place to buy quality and cheaper cotton clothes. Amongst many notable shops and brands, Cottonworld is a place to look out for. Kurties and tunics . a must have in India. Linkin Laado has a wide range of classy kurties, fushion ethnic wear and exquisite dress materials in most sought after pure fabrics such as muls, cottons, maheshwari and chanderi silk etc in handblock prints and intrinsic chikankari work. The shop is situated at Link Square Mall, Shop No. F5, Opposite KFC, Above Croma, Linking Road, Bandra West. Dhoop . (translates into Sunshine or Incense) A quaint, stylist store where you can find really interesting quality crafts and home accessories. On the corner of Union Park, Near Olive, Off Carter Road in Bandra. Burlingtons . in the Taj is a tailor specializing in Indian outfits. Buy some material and get some clothes made up by a tailor. Its an incredibly cheap way to get quality made-to-measure clothes. Usually only takes a couple of days. Leather jackets . go to the main road in Dharavi. You can fit yourself with a leather jacket (they stitch it for you) of leather you pick. Usually takes just one day to get it and it costs around Rs 1,000-2,000. Antiques amp second hand items . Visit Chor Bazar for the best options and bargains Carpets, rugs and shawls Sarees . the best place to buy them is Dadar (both east and west). The place is buzzing 12 months a year. On Sundays the crowd can be maddening for outsiders. Good shops to buy Sarees are Dadar Emporium, Lazaree, Roop Sangam. On N C Kelkar Road and Ranade Road you can buy almost everything a woman needs. Bargain hard. Pashmina . cheap stuff is everywhere and decent shawls in every hue can be purchased at various markups in any hotel arcade. High-quality items in unusual colors and unique designs require more searching. The pashminas sold on Colaba Causeway are not anywhere close to pashmina. Prrems - The Winter Wear Store houses authentic Pashmina shawls. The Store is located on Linking Road, Khar (West). The business also houses every other winter wear garment, all manufactured in India. Indian musical instruments . Indian music has its own set of musical instruments such as Tabla, Harmonium, straight Flute that it relies upon. These can be bought at various music shops scattered across the city. Some well known shops are L. M.Furtado, Ghaisas amp Bros. Luxury Retail . Mumbai has witnessed a massive boom in luxury retail. All the brands you can buy in any other major city are available there. Bookshops Edit Individual listings can be found in Mumbais district articles Mumbai has large number of organized book shops. However it also has number of streetside second hand book shops or displays that give opportunity to come across rare collections. Many of these roadside book shops can be prominently found, among many, near Flora Fountain, Maheshwari Udyyan (former Kings Circle) and Dadar west market. Tourist traps Edit In a place without clearly displayed price tags (and sometimes even in places with), you will get charged about 3-4 times as much as a local if you seem like a tourist. Take a local with you if youre going to local markets to haggle. Haggling is much louder and ruder in India than elsewhere. Dont be afraid to haggle things down to 14 of the asking price. And most importantly remember that almost all stores that sell carpets, jewelry, handicrafts, etc. pay huge amounts of commission (25 up to even 50) to the cab drivers, hence avoid tourist taxis, cabs, etc. Another thing to remember is not to haggle just for the fun of it. The shopkeepers may take offense if you dont buy an item after they have agreed to your price. One of the places that you can trust is The World Trade Centre (in Cuffe Parade, near Hotel Taj President). Besides being the only World Trade Centre in Mumbai, this place has an amazing range of exquisite carpets, handicrafts, shawls, etc. with reputed government approved stores and state emporiums too. Ask for receipts everywhere including bars and check what you have been charged for. Dont ever accept a guide offer or escort of somebody from the street: You will certainly get conned. If some place (including cabs, eateries, stores, etc) claims it doesnt have change (this is highly unlikely), insist they get change from a neighbouring store. Groceries Edit In addition to the local grocery stores which can be found on most of the streets, there are new additions to the city in the form of new big and small supermarkets and hypermarkets where you can get all the food items you need. Some of them are Big Bazaar, Food Bazaar, Hypercity, DMart, Spinach Local, Apna Bazaar. The dining experience at an upscale restaurant in Mumbai is more or less the same as anywhere else in the world. If you search hard enough, you will find cuisine from practically every part of the world represented in the city. But to get a real flavour of whats unique to Mumbai, you will have to go a little lower down the scale and experience the street food and Irani cafes. That is what is described here. For individual restaurants and other places to eat, go to the individual district pages. Dont leave Mumbai without trying: Gujrati, Maharashtrian and Kerala Thali Indian Chinese Goan seafood As many different kinds of chaat (Bhelpuri, Pani Puri etc) as your stomach can handle Pav Bhaji from one of Mumbais many restaurants. (Shiv Sagar near Juhu Beach is famous). Kebab rolls, Pattis, Keema Indian sweets - milky, delicious concoctions (try the kulfi falooda at Badshahs in Crawford market) Vada pav (the great Indian veg burger) South Indian food from an Udupi restaurant Bread Maska (Bread amp Butter) from an Irani Cafe Kingfisher Blue beer Alfanso Mangoes during summer season Specialty restaurants Edit Seafood . Apurva (Fort right off Horniman Circle). If you want to eat some authentic Indian (Konkan) sea food you must visit the Bharat Excellensea. It is located next to the Horniman Circle and the Reserve Bank of India. It is becoming pretty expensive. In the slightly higher price range, Trishna (at Kala Ghoda in Fort) and Mahesh Lunch Home (also in Fort) are very popular amongst both locals and tourists. Peshawari . Andheri ,( at Maratha Sheraton ). Its sister restaurant Bukhara in Delhi has been recognised as the best Indian restaurant across the world. Try tandoori jhinga, the kebab platter, sikandari raan (leg of lamb), and mangoes and ice cream (only during summers), Kebab Corner (Hotel Intercontinental), Copper Chimney (Worli) Khyber (Kala Ghoda), and Kareems Malad Link Road in Malad W. International Cuisine Edit Sushi . Sushi Caf (Santa Cruz West). Sushi Caf is a cozy little place. The decor, including the furniture, is all-white. Here, you can get 20 pieces of those delicious, delicately-flavoured chunks of white rice rolled with fresh fish and vegetables for just Rs 600. The food is as much a feast for the eyes as it is a treat for the tongue. They also do home delivery all over Mumbai. Sushi Caf, Shop No. 1, Ground Floor, Sainara Building, corner of North Avenue and Linking Road, Santa Cruz (West), Tel: 98336-50503, sushicafemumbai. Chinese . India Jones, ( Hilton Towers Mumbai ), Mainland China (Saki Naka), Lings Pavillion (Colaba), Golden Dragon (Taj Mahal Hotel), Great Wall (The Leela), Spices (JW Marriott), China Gate (Bandra), China White (Bandra). Bandra offers a range of Chinese Restaurants (32. Royal China at VT (behind Sterling Cinema serves some of the best DimSum the city has to offer). The new CG83 at Kemps corner is brilliant and the signature restaurant of Nelson Wang. Also new is Henry Thams. The food is brilliant as are the prices, however the bar is much more popular than the restaurant. Combination Oriental . India Jones ( Hilton Towers Mumbai ), Pan Asian (at Maratha Sheraton), Seijo, and Soul Dish (Bandra), Joss (Kala Ghoda) has some of the best East Asian food in the country and at moderate prices (compared to hotels). San Qi at the Four Seasons (Worli) combines East Asian and South Asian cuisine quite well. Japanese . Wasabi by Morimoto ( Taj Mahal Hotel, Colaba ) is Mumbais best and most expensive restaurant, but Japanese food is on the menus of most Pan Asian restaurants like Tiffin (The Oberoi, Mumbai), Pan Asian (Maratha Sheraton), India Jones (Hilton Towers Mumbai), and Spices (JW Marriott), Origami (Atria Mall Worli). Also Japengo Cafe at CR2 Mall in Nariman Point serves up some sushi. Tetsuma, adjacent to Prive (probably best nightclub in town) serves an average sushi but other dishes are worth a try. Best to go there for a cocktail and a few starters. Tian cafe at Juhu is also a good place for sushi. Try the Teppanyaki restaurant at Tian. Italian . Shatranj Nepoli ( Bandra, Union Park ), Little Italy (Juhu next to Maneckji Cooper school), Don Giovannis (Juhu, opposite JW Marriott), Mezzo Mezzo (at the JW Marriott), Vetro (at The Oberoi, Mumbai), Celini (at the Grand Hyatt), Mangi Ferra (Juhu), Taxi(Colaba), Spaghetti Kitchen (Phoenix Mills, Parel). Lebanese Food . Picadilly, at Colaba Causeway, deserves mention for being the only restaurant to serve Lebanese food. Try their shawormas. Cost for a meal for one Rs 100-200. Alcohol is not served. Parsi . Their ancestors originating from Iran, the Parsis are a special community of people that one would associate Mumbai with. Parsi food is based on ancient Persian cooking. Go to Brittania at Ballard Estate or Jimmy Boy close to Horniman Circle. International brands Edit Chilis . Central Avenue Road, Powai, Ventura Building, Hiranandani Business Park. Ruby Tuesday . shop No. 20, 2nd Floor, Inorbit mall, Malad (West) or at Shop No. 31, CR 2 Mall, Nariman Point, Mumbai OR Nirmal Lifestyle, Lbs Marg, Mulund West. T. G.I. F . Palladium mall, Phoenix High Street, Lower Parel or Infiniti Mall, New Link Road, Oshiwara, Andheri(West). Dunkin Donuts . multiple locations California Pizza Kitchen . 3 North Avenue, Maker Maxity, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East). Costa Coffee . multiple locations Subway . multiple locations Regional Indian Edit South Indian . Dakshin (Maratha Sheraton) and Woodlands (Juhu) Bengali . Oh Calcutta at Tardeo Kashmiri . Poush at Andheri Punjabi . Preetams Dhaba at Dadar(E) and Urban Tadka at Mulund Goan Cuisine . Casa Soul Fry opposite to Bombay University in town Gujarati Thalis . Chetana at Kala Ghoda, Thackers at Marine Drive, and Rajdhani (multiple locations) General Indian . Sheetal Bukhara, Great Punjab (both in Bandra). More in Bandra. Vegetarian . Swati Snacks (Tardeo, opposite Bhatia Hospital) a gem of a restaurant, it does not take bookings and the waiting during peak meal times is usually 45 minutes every day of the week Little Italy located on Juhu Tara Road (Jugu), Andheri West opp. Fame Adlabs multiplex, Malad (above croma), New Yorkers on Marine Drive Opp chowpatty Creame Center on Linking Road, Bandra near Shoppers Stop and also on Marine Drive opp chowpatty Statua at Nariman point opp. Maker Chambers. Relish (Hotel Samrat Churchgate). Excellent vegetarian cuisine from around the world. Fusion . Zenzi (Waterfield Road, Bandra), Out of the Blue ( Pali Hill, Bandra). Lounge . Olive (Bandra), Rain (Juhu), Indigo. Speciality Deli . Indigo Deli (Colaba), Gourmet Shoppe (The Oberoi Shopping Arcade), Moshes (Cuffe Parade), Cafe Basilico. Cafe . Leopold33 and Cafe Mondegar (both near Regal Cinema, Colaba) are great places to while away time, eat cheap, and get a beer. Mocha (chain) is popular with the younger crowd. Deliciae, the dessert cafe which has some of the best desserts in town, located next to Olive Restaurant in Khar. 24X7 Coffee Shops . Trattoria (Taj President), Frangipani (Hilton Towers Mumbai), Vista (Taj Lands End, Bandra), Hornbys Pavilion (ITC Grand Central), Lotus Cafe (JW Marriott), basically all the big hotels have one. More coffee shops in Bandra34 Goan, Coastal . Goa Portuguesa (Mahim) near Hinduja Hospital. New and a must try is Casa Soul Fry (opposite Bombay University in town) which serves up Goan Cuisine. Mumbai Street Food . To experience the tastes and flavors of typical Mumbai chaat, and yet not expose oneself to the dangers of unhygienic street food, check out Vitthals Restaurant located on one of the lanes opposite Sterling Cinema (C. S.T.), but make sure you have a strong stomach. Vithal Bhelwalla (not the Vithal resaurant which is copycat) near VT station (behind Mcdonalds) is a safe option. Street food stalls Edit Songs have been written about Mumbais street food and you will find that the hype is justified. You will find them at every street corner, but they are concentrated in beaches and around railway stations. Bhelpuri stalls . Selling what in the rest of India would be called chaat . In Mumbai itself, the term chaat is rarely used. Rolls . Essentially different meat and cheese grilled and served with some Roti and spice, these are cheap and cheerful for anyone with a stomach that can handle it. They are known to be spicy so always ask them to make it mild. Try Ayubs (Kala Ghoda), Bade Miyan (highly over-rated), Khao Gulli (Food Lane, near Mahim Hindu Gymkhana), or Kareems (Bandra). All are particularly busy after a night of heavy drinking. Vada pav stands . Fried potato stuffed in yeasty bread. Developed to provide nourishment to mill-workers in Mumbais burgeoning mills. Now they are found everywhere, particularly in the railway stations. This is a Mumbai specialty. In Vile Parle (West), try the one off S. V Road near Irla across from Goklibai School. One of the most popular ones are opposite Mithibai College which is about 15 mins walk from Vile Parle Station. Also try the one outside Grant Road Station and Churchgate Station. Sandwich stands . Uniquely developed in Mumbai, you wont find anything like it anywhere else in India or the world. Chinese food stalls . Youll find them at many places, but they are particularly concentrated near Dadar railway station. They all have a typical Indian twist added to it, which is why it is frequently called Indian Chinese. Although it is great tasting, the hygiene of these places leaves a lot to be desired. Bhurji . Either Egg bhurji or Paneer bhurji, a mash of eggs and chopped tomato, onion, chili, and lots of oil. Eaten on the side with some pav. Try the Maker Chamber area (near Crossroads 2, Nariman Point). Tip: cheap and tasty food stalls are concentrated around the citys colleges. Street stall food in India is fantastic, and dirt cheap (you can fill yourself up for Rs 20). However, do consider well what you are putting in your mouth. Almost certainly the water used is non-potable, street vendors dont seem to understand much about hygiene or hand-washing, and food safety standards are low, with flies buzzing over everything. Even locals steer clear of street food during the monsoons, when diseases run rampant. If the stall seems very clean, and if it clearly states that it is using Aquaguard or mineral water, go for it. Authentic Marathi cuisine Edit Individual listings can be found in Mumbais district articles Mumbai, being home to large ethnic Marathi community, has its share of notable restaurants that offer authentic Marathi cuisine. Most offer both snacks and regular dining. Some of the snacks to check out are Sabudana Wada, Batata Wada, Missal, Kanda Poha, Uppit (or Upma), Shira, Alu Wadi, Thalipith, Zunka Bhakari, ghavane (neer dosa) and many more. Two notable appetizer are Kokam Sarbat and Solkadhi which are best enjoyed during hot summers. People say that many of these authentic Marathi restaurents are finding it difficult to survive competitions with other modern or fast food typed restaurants, but you will find Gajali, Malvan Kinara, Sindhudurg and many more have retained their own charm and clientele. Udupi restaurants Edit Individual listings can be found in Mumbais district articles Mangalorians(and udupi) forms the highset tourist populations of Mumbai, and both the cities have almost same culture and architecture. Udupi restaurants (or hotels) are everywhere. They bear the name of the town of Udupi in Karnataka, but do not be misled into thinking that they specialize in the cuisine of Udupi. They serve pretty much everything, and that is their specialty. Usually strictly vegetarian, these restaurants were opened by migrants from the district of Dakshina Kannada in Karnataka (of which Udupi is a part), to satisfy the palates of other migrants from the district. Over time, they gained popularity as places to have South Indian food. As the tastes of their customers evolved, so to did their menus, so much that now you can find Mughlai, Indian Chinese, Bhelpuri, and other chaats in addition to South Indian stuff. Amazingly, some places serve imitations of pizzas, burgers, and sandwiches too They are fast food joints and sit-down restaurants combined. The reason to visit them is not to experience fine gourmet dining, but to have cheap, passably tasty and fairly hygienic food. There is no easy way to identify an Udupi restaurant they are not a chain of restaurants and they may not have Udupi in their name, so you will have to ask. Matunga(Central line) has the best south Indian fare in Mumbai. There are few restaurants which could well be heritage sites as they are more than 50 years old and still retain thier old world charm(and furniture). Irani cafes Edit Individual listings can be found in Mumbais district articles Irani cafes are Persian styled cafes opened by 19th century Persian migrants from Iran. These cafes have a unique lazy atmosphere, display of day-to-day accessories including toothpastes behind the cashier, soaps and what nots(specially targeted at bachelor crowds) and furniture. Most of these cafes were located at the corner of the road or building and were chosen spots by commuters to spend time while the traffic died down. It was quite an usual sight to find people spending hours reading newspaper over a cup of tea for hours in these places. Sadly the new restaurents and fast food culture has almost removed these cafes from the maps, though few notables like Kyani amp Co. and Light of Bharat near Shivaji park still remain. The joints are best known for their Irani Chai, Bun-MaskaMaska Pav (bread and butter) and Egg Omlette. Also are popular their assorted snacks, like Kheema-na-Patice, samosas, mava-na-cakes, etc. One of the the best dish which is almost always on the menu is Kheema (prepared from ground meat) and pav (bread). Thalis Edit If you order a thali (translated as plate), you get a complete meal arranged on your plate, with a roti or chappati, rice, and many different varieties of curries and curd. Ordering a thali is a popular option when you are hungry and in a hurry as it is usually served blazingly fast. Most mid-level restaurants have a thali on the menu, at least during lunch hours. Occasionally, they are unlimited, which means that some of the items are all-you-can-eat. The waiters serve them at your table. Of course, you find many varieties of them, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian. There is the South Indian thali. The North Indian thali translates to Mughlai or Punjabi. Do try Gujarati or Rajasthani thalis if you can find them. They are sinfully filling and tasty. Rajdhani (At Crawford Market) serves up thalis in the Rajasthani style while Aram (near Mahim Church, Mahim), Ramanayak Udipi (At Matunga Station, east) serves up thalis in South Indian style and Shree Thakker Bhojanalaya (off Kalbadevi Road) do filling and fabulous Gujarati thalis. Fast food chains Edit Surprisingly, there is no fast-food chain in Mumbai serving Indian cuisine. But Western chains like McDonalds 35. Subway36. Pizza hut37. Dominos38. Kentucky Fried Chicken39 etc. have many outlets all over the city. But if you are a weary Westerner looking for the taste of the familiar, be warned that all of them have rather heavily Indianized their menus, so you will find the stuff there as exotic as you found Bambaiyya food. However, Barista40. Cafe Coffee Day41. and Smokin Joes42 are all Indian chains, although they dont serve Indian food. While Barista and Cafe Coffee Day, as there names suggest, serve coffee and pastries, Smokin Joes serves decent pizzas and is headquartered in Carmichael Rd, Mumbai. International coffee chains like The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, Aromas have recently set shop in Mumbai. Naturals is a chain of ice cream stores that serves up tasty and unconventional flavors of ice creams. Try their tender coconut or the coffee walnut ice creams. Its main branch is in Juhu in the Western suburbs (hence the tagline - Ice cream of Juhu Scheme), but it has franchises at many places including Marine Drive, Bandra, Nepean sea road, etc. Naturals is also famous for its seasonal Sitaphal or Custard Apple Ice-cream. Baskins-Robbins is an international ice cream chain having its presence throughout the city. Also there are a number of shops in malls amongst other places which serve Italian Gelato ice cream. What to eat Edit Asking a local for suggestions is a fun way to try new things. Here are a few suggestions: Vada Pav . the vada is a mashed potato patty. Pav is a kind of bread that has its roots in Mumbai. (The word comes from the Portugese word po, for bread). The potato patty is sandwiched in the bread. Liberal helpings of three kinds of chutneys (sauces) are also added to the sandwich to make a seriously tasty snack. It is widely available on the streets and most folks price it Rs 6 a piece. If you feel uncomfortable with the hygiene of a particular stall, avoid it. In that case eating at. Jumbo Vada Pav 43 outlets, found almost at all train stations in the city, is a hygienic and safer options. Pav Bhaji . Part of the street food culture, this is mashed vegetables cooked in spices, topped with butter and served piping hot with pav. Widely available. For a variation, try the Pav Bhaji Dosa which merges Pav Bhaji with the South Indian Dosa. For the especially brave, ask for a plate of Masala Pav. It consists of two piece of Pav smeared with a generous helping of spicy paste. Bhel Puri amp sev puri . A classic Mumbai concoction, bhel-puri (or bhel for short) comprises mostly of puffed rice and assorted spices with a few chutneys. You can specify whether you want it spicy or bland and the vendor will make it for you. It is quite tasty and again ought to be had off the streets to get the real flavor. Most people though, like to flock to Juhu beach to try this out. Pani Puri . For first timers, this can be seriously intriguing. The vendor hands you a plate. Next he takes a puri (it looks like a golf ball, but brown in color), makes a small hole in it, and dips the puri into two jars. These jars contain water one tangy on a tamarind base, the other spicy on a mint base. He tops it off with some condiments and places the puri on your plate. You pick it with your hand and pop the whole thing into your mouth. The outcome is an explosion. Genial. A word of caution here though. Make sure you dont have your pani puri from just any vendor. The best vendors use only packaged water. Stick to that and enjoy the taste. Indian-Chinese . Nothing like regular Chinese. For a typical Bambaiyya flavor, try the Chinese Bhelpuri . Hapus (Alphonso) mangoes . A must try, if you happen to be in Mumbai in the summers. Mewad ice cream . If you happen to be in Mumbai, it is recommended you avoid ice creams from the famous and expensive parlors and try out the cheap Mewad ice cream stalls. They are a lovely treat at their price and provide a lot of options. The vendors are found everywhere across the streets, but avoid those who appear unhygienic. Variations of world cuisine such as Tandoori Chicken Pizzas - the Bombay Masala Pizza at the Pizzeria on Marine Drive is legendary and well worth investigation - or McAloo Tikki burgers. Tipping Edit Tip between 5-10 at sit-down places. If a place includes service charges on the bill, you dont need to leave an extra tip. Note the difference between service tax and service charges. Service tax goes to Government and not to the staff. While tipping is always good practice, you dont necessarily have to tip the bartender while at a bar. If you plan to be there a while though its a good idea to give him Rs 50-100 on your first drink to ensure a night of trouble-free service. You do not have to tip cab or auto drivers at all, and dont get out of the vehicle until they have given you full and exact change. Pubs amp bars Edit Individual listings can be found in Mumbais district articles A recent police crackdown (June 2012) on many popular bar and clubs is underway, so be cautious when visiting lower to mid range bars. Mumbai is one of the most liberal cities in India when it comes to attitudes to alcohol. Bars exist at virtually every street corner and many of them advertise themselves as family bars and restaurants, which indicates that they are primarily restaurants where one can also have a drink. Other places are primarily bars, some of them might be sleazy. In South Mumbai and in the Western suburbs, you are likely to find many places where foreigners hang out. Mumbai is much more accepting of women drinking than the rest of India. A woman ordering a drink is unlikely to raise eyebrows even in mid-range bars, though if you are alone, you might need to look out for your safety. Nightlife in Mumbai spans the gamut from performances at five star hotels to discos. Dance bars which involve young, fully clothed women dancing mostly to Hindi film and pop music, have been shut down by the government for corrupting the morals of those who frequent those places. While the state high court has ruled that the crackdown was illegal, it will be a while before they open again as there are some technicalities involved to be sorted out. In Mumbai, alcohol is much more easily available than many cities in India. Drinking amp driving Driving under the influence of alcohol is not considered as a serious offence in India as compared to western countries 44 45. In the event of an accident the law does not deals with drink-drive offenders with severity. The punishment is a minor fine andor imprisonment for only up to 6 months. The driving license is suspended only for at least six months. Coffee shops Edit There many coffee shops in and around Mumbai. Try the Cafe Coffee Day 46 and Barista 47 chains. Since late 2012, the holy grail of coffee shops, Starbucks has made its presence felt in Mumbai in a big way. Do check out the biggest and tastefully interior-ed Starbucks at Horniman Circle at Fort in South Mumbai. Then theres the Cafe Mocha chain of coffee shops which also serve fruit flavoured hookas South Asian smoking pipes. If a small coffee and cookies place is what you are looking for, try Theobroma . it has an outlet at Cusrow Baug in Colaba. There are also Costa Coffee outlets throughout the city. Those looking for a more native form of coffee can try the filter coffee, a milky coffee with origins from South India, from any Udupi restaurant. But nowadays hookahs are banned in restaurants, cafes and pubs in Mumbai. Sleep Edit Taj Mahal Hotel at night Individual listings can be found in Mumbais district articles It is very difficult to find good budget hotels in Mumbai. If you are a tourist or a business traveler, you may have to stay in South Mumbai, which is where both the business district and the touristy areas are. Lack of space means that even the cheapest hotel charges stratospheric tariffs. The state of public transport and traffic means that it is not really a good choice to stay anywhere else. In any case, things arent much better if you are looking for hotels close to the airport. You should be looking at the Western Suburbs in that case. There are many guest houses at Colaba, where you find most of budget foreign travelers stay. Other budget hotels are found near railway stations, such as Dadar or Santa Cruz, but most of them are absolute dumps. One safe and economical place to stay in Mumbai is the YMCA. Reasonably priced accommodations are available at the Colaba, Bombay Central, Andheri, and CBD Belapur Branches. Staff at the Windsor Hotel on Kumptha St have been accused assaulting a traveler on TripAdvisor. 48 One inexpensive alternative is to live with a local family as a paying guest. A list of available families can be obtained from the Government of India tourist office (91 22 2220 7433) opposite Churchgate train station. On the other hand, if money is not a problem, you can stay at the Taj in Colaba (the oldest in India), the Leela Kempinski, the ITC Grand Maratha, or the JW Marriott Mumbai, Renaissance Mumbai Hotel amp Convention Centre. Hotel listings are in the district pages. LGBT options Edit There is already a lively late night, if somewhat subterranean, scene for gays, as well as social and political networks. However, you need to do your homework before arriving, as LGBT gathering spaces and organizations are not published or available at local newsstands. However, Bombay Dost (Bombay Friends) the only magazine catering to the community, after 7 years of running was closed and relaunched in 2009. Much of Mumbais LGBT scene is coordinated using social networking sites and groups. Use extreme caution robberies, hustlers, and even police entrapment are not unheard of, though a July 2009 judgment legalizing homosexuality might have saved you from the last one. Unfortunately, that was revised and declared criminal in 2013. Contact Edit Landlines Edit The area code for Mumbai is 22 (prefix 91, if you are calling from outside India). Phone numbers are eight digits long, but on occasion you will find a seven digit number listed. That is probably an old listing. They made the changeover from seven to eight digits a few years back, when they allowed private service providers to offer telephone. Just prefix a 2 to the number and it should work just fine. Pay phones Edit Phone booths can be found all over the city. Though they are coin operated, there is usually someone to run the place. (Typically the phones are attached to a roadside shop). You need to keep putting 1 rupee coins into the slot to extend the talk time, so keep a change of 1 rupee coins handy with you. The person running the booth will usually have them. If you find a booth marked STDISD, you can call internationally or anywhere within the country. Fees will be charged according to the time spent and a meter runs to keep track of your time. You pay when you have finished your call. Often it is difficult to find one that is open early in the morning or late at night. Mobile phones Edit Cell phone coverage in the city is excellent. There are many service providers offering a wide variety of plans. Among them are The MTNL 49. Vodafone 50. Loop Mobile 51. Airtel 52. Dolphin 53. Reliance 54. and Tata Indicom 55. It might be a good idea to buy a cell phone and use one of those prepaid plans to get yourself connected while you are in the city. All mobile numbers, are 10 digits long and begin with a 9, 8 or 7. Do not dial the city prefix for mobile numbers. If you dont get through to a mobile number, try adding a 0 before you dial it. Due to security threats, in order to purchase a SIM card you will need to provide formal identification. While Roaming in Mumbai the best app you should have in your mobile is m-Indicator. It will give you detailed Mumbai local information, Cab-auto fair, bus route, cinemas near by and many more Cybercafes Edit Cybercafes are located at virtually on every street corner and the rates are quite low. Do note that they have probably not kept pace with advances in hardware or software, so if you find yourself in one of them, dont be surprised if you are stuck with a really small monitor, Windows 98, and Internet Explorer 5.0. Also data security could be an issue. As a caution, change your password after you use it at a cybercafe. Wi-Fi Edit Finding Wi-Fi in Mumbai is very difficult due to security concerns. A few coffee shops such as Barista may offer access. You should start your search with Chembur, Pamposh, Phoenix Mall, Santa Cruz, and Sterling Baristas. Kanada. Indiabulls Finance Centre, Tower 221st Floor, Senapati Bapat Marg, Elphinstone Road West. 91 22 6749 4444. Also, most lobbies of upper-end hotels (eg. Taj, Oberoi Trident, etc.) will have Wi-Fi services if you wish to hang-out in their coffee shops. Please add to this list 160edit You can also find free Wi-Fi at the airport if you have an Indian phone number, provided by You Broadband. At Mexiloko (Shop 1, Bela CHS Ltd, 81A, Colaba Causeway, Colaba, Mumbai-400005), you can get Free Wi-Fi and you dont need a mobile phone. A staff will tell you a password. Postal amp courier services Edit The Indian Postal services head office is housed at GPO, a magnificent colonial architecture on its own. next to C. S.T. railway station. The other main branch office can be found at Dadar(E) on Ambedkar Rd. Stay safe Edit For a city of its size and global importance, Mumbai is quite safe. However, as with any foreign city, it is best to err on the side of safety and act according to your local environment. Here are a few basic safety tips: Littering is punishable with a INR 200 fine throughout Mumbai as part of the Clean-Up Mumbai initiative by the BMC. In reality, the chances of getting caught are extremely low. The fines are given out by the BMC and the police never bother if people litter right in front them. Keep your money and credit cards safe at all times. Always carry some cash as many places wont take cards. Do not display 500 and 1000 rupee notes in public. Beware of pickpocket-ting on buses and trains. Also beware of mobile, chain, or bag snatchers who operate in densely populated places, such as railway stations, busy roads, and traffic signals. Women traveling by train, especially on off-peak routes should travel in the second class where at least a few co-passengers are also found. Women (especially Westerners) should avoid crowded places, you might well get groped. Cases of men pinching or touching women are common in crowded public places, including nicer nightspots. Create a scene if this does happen to you, there will be enough people around that will come to your defense. In general, in Mumbai, if you are ever worried about your safety, make a loud scene. It is an extremely crowded city, and somebody is always around and willing to help. Women should never ever take lifts from strangers. Western women tourists should note that if they visit a disco or pub in Mumbai or India, dont take lifts or even get too friendly with strangers. You will almost certainly get conned, if not worse. Many Indian men presume that if youre foreign you must be easy. Men should also be careful, pay respect to ladies and maintain safe distance. Dont ever let an auto or taxi you are traveling in pick up any more people, or pull over before your final destination. Police can sometimes be almost as shady as criminals in Mumbai. At night, women should ensure if they are ever stopped by police, there needs to be a female police officer present or they are well within their rights in demanding the presence of a woman cop. Be aware of scams. Theres one man claiming to be a British citizen that will tell you that he has been mugged and lost his passport and so on and that he needs your help to claim some money from his brother in the UK. Just tell him you are in a rush or out of money because its a scam and he is just a good actor. There is another scam, in which a person (mostly taxi drivers) asks you for a change of 1000 INR currency note. If you give him two 500 INR notes in exchange for a 1000 INR note he will cleverly change one or both the 500 INR notes to 100 INR without you noticing. hence you may end up believing you gave him less money in return. He will ask you to pay the difference conning you of that cash. So Beware when someone asks you change for 1000 INR. Fraudulent SIM cards are not only sold on streets, but also in official-looking mobile phone stores. Never buy a SIM card if the vendor refuses to give you a receipt make sure that the SIM envelope is not open, and check prices against an official brochure. Violent crime in Mumbai is more or less like any other large Indian city. Most notably, terrorists have staged several murderous attacks in Mumbai, targeting banks and the stock exchange in 1993 (killing around 300), commuter trains in 2006 (killing over 200) and top hotels including the Taj Mahal Palace and Oberoi in 2008 (over 170 dead). The last of these saw foreigners, specifically Americans, Britons and Israelis, explicitly targeted for the first time. Emergency numbers Edit Mumbai Police Control Room . 100 Police Infoline . 1090 D. G. Control . 91 22 22026636 Mumbai Police Head Quarter . 91 22 22625020 North Control . 91 22 28854643 East Control . 91 22 25233588 West Control . 91 22 26457900 South Div. . 91 22 23089855 Central Div . 91 22 23750909 Traffic Police 62 Traffic Control . 91 22 24937746 Traffic Helpline . 91 22 30403040 Railways Edit Airport Edit Santacruz Airport . 91 22 26156600 Sahar Terminal (NIPTC) . 91 22 26829000 Indian Airlines Enquiry . 91 22 26168000 Air India Enquiry . 91 22 22796666 Air Ambulance Edit Fire Station . 101, 91 22 2307611123086181230611213 Coast Guard . 91 22 24376133, 91 22 24371932 Touts Edit Recently, there has been a great rise in the number of complaints about harassment of innocent tourists in various destinations around the country. The Ministry of Tourism has adopted a strategy of introducing Audio Guide Devices at various places of interest around the country such as the Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, etc. to provide reliable and factual information to tourists. It is wise to hire such devices as you can avoid being ripped off or ambushed by desperate touts itching to make a buck. The Ministry of Tourism has also announced its partnership with AudioCompass, a company specializing in creating Audio Tours of all places of interest in the country including Mumbai, in the form of Audio Devices available at the monuments and Smartphone apps that can be download from the App Store. Stay healthy Edit Food As elsewhere in India, be careful with what you eat. Outside of major tourist hotels and restaurants, stay away from raw leafy vegetables, egg-based dressings, like mayonnaise, and minced meat are particularly risky. In short, stick to boiled, baked, fried, or peeled goods. Water Opinions on tap water vary, but most visitors choose to stick to the bottled stuff. Large bottles of water can be purchased at a very low cost. One note of caution, when buying water from street vendors, make sure the lid is sealed, there have been cases of bottles being filled with tap water, and sold as new. Fitness Numerous fitness centers exist throughout the city. Many exercise facilities and spas offer 24 hour memberships for visitors and are a popular way to unwind after a long day of touring in Mumbai. Smog can reach unhealthful levels, especially during the dry season. This, coupled with the summer heat and humidity, can make spending time outdoors quite unpleasant. City Map . Eicher has an excellent city-map of Mumbai with detailed listings. Familiarize yourself with it before you begin, or alternatively trace your route on it. Rs 30. BEST Route Map . Thanks to the density of bus routes in the city, the map is quite hard to decipher. Although bus routes are listed in the itinerary, you may have to find out about a few others if you plan to mixmatch the order of the sights. People are very helpful in general. Check the BEST Route Finder for detailed information on the routes. The map is available at news stands. Rs 10. Google Maps works brilliantly for most purposes Newspapers Edit Local newspapapers can be handy and reliable sources for day to day updates about the city. The city has number of newspapers and other publication that list local happenings. The Times of India 64 has a supplement called Bombay Times . There are also other papers like The Asian Age 65. DNA 66. Indian Express 67. Hindustan Times 68 and Free Press Journal 69. For the business updates, check Economic Times 70. There are three very good local city tabloids called Mid-Day 71. Mumbai Mirror 72. and Afternoon . These papers are city focused and cover a lot of gossip, local news, and have plenty of entertainment listings. One could refer to these papers for any specific activity. In addition, Time Out now has an excellent Mumbai edition each month which can be picked up on street bookshops. It is a little more eclectic than the others listed here. Most newspapers would not cost more than Rs 3. All of these papers have information on arts, dance, eating out, food festivals, events, exhibitions, lectures, movies, theatre listings, concerts, seminars, and workshops. There are also many local newspapers in regional languages such as Lok Satta 73 (marathi), Maharashtra Times 74 (marathi), Saamna 75 (marathi), Navakal 76 (marathi), Janmabhoomi (gujrati), Mumbai Samachar 77 (gujrati) and Navbharat Times 78 (hindi) which cater to local and regional interests and tastes. Radio Edit There are twelve radio stations in Mumbai, with nine broadcasting on the FM band, and three All India Radio stations broadcasting on the AM band. Mumbai also has access to commercial radio providers such as Sirius and XM. Hospitals Edit Individual listings can be found in Mumbais district articles List of Major Hospitals and health care centers: Asian Heart Institute. GN Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra(E), 400051 ( Bandra Kurla Complex ), 91 22 56986666 ( fax. 91 22 56986506 ), 79. 160edit Breach Candy Hospital. 60 Bhulabhai Desai Rd, 400026. 91 22 236433092363365136232242367188823672888 ( fax. 91 22 23630147 ), 80. 160edit Jaslok Hospital. 15 Dr. G. Deshmukh Marg, 400026 ( Peddar road ), 81. 160edit JJ Hospital. ( Byculla ), 82. 160edit KEM Hospital. ( Parel ), 83. 160edit Lilavati Hospital. A-791 Bandra Reclamation, Bandra(W), 400050. 91 22 26455889264558912643828182 ( fax. 91 22 26407655 ), 84. 160edit Nanavati Hospital. S. V. Rd, Vile Parle(W),400 057 ( Vile Parle ), 91 22 261255552612930226182255. 85. 160edit Orbit Eye Hospital ( Lasik Surgery ), 110111, 1st Floor, Markaz View, Next to Millat School, S. V Road, Jogeshwari(W), Mumbai -400102, Maharashtra India ( Jogeshwari(W) ), 91-22-2677 3600 2677 1133 (infoorbiteyehospital. in ), 86. 160edit Rushabh Eye Hospital. Chembur. 87. 160edit Sushrusha Hospital. Ranade Rd, Dadar, 400028. 91 22 24449161. 160edit Wockhardt Hospital and Heart Institute. ( Mulund ), 91 22 259077682593438925934387. 88. 160edit Utsav Eye Clinic ( Squint Eye Surgery ), 16, Hari Om Heritage, Plot no 8, Sector 21,Next to MTNL exchange, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 410210, India ( Kharghar ), 91-22-27742553 (utsaveyeclinicgmail ), 89. Mon to Sat 10 am to 9 pm. 160edit Sudha Tandon Fertility, IVF amp Endoscopy Hospital ( IVF amp Infertility Hospital ), Gagangiri Complex 18th Road, Near Dr. Ambedkar Udyan, Chembur (E), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400071, India ( Chembur ), 91 22 25280443 (infosudhatandoninfertility ), 90. 160edit Animal hospital Edit Bai Sakarbai Dinshaw Petit Hospital for Animals ( Locally this hospital is known as Bail Ghoda (Bull Horse) Hospital. The Bombay Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) is also Headquartered there. Their ambulance rushes in answer to any call of distress to animals. ), ( Parel ), 91 22 24135285241354342413751824133598. 160edit Diagnostic centre Edit List of Major Diagnostic, health care and Polyclinics: Soningra Polyclinic - Since 1984, catering the nation since last 25 years effectively and efficiently. B - Helal Bldg, Dr. Mascarenhas Rd, Mazgaon, 91 22 23715963, 91 22 2749662 Super Religare Laboratories Limited formerly Ranbaxy SRL 91 - Largest clinical reference laboratory network in India and in South East Asia. Plot 113, St 145 MIDC Andheri (E), 91 22 28237333, 91 22 30811111-99 Wellspring 92 - Another premier diagnostic laboratory owned by the Piramal group. Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, Near A to Z Industrial Estate, Off Worli Naka, Lower Parel(W). Along with the above they have other centers as well throughout the city. 24 hour chemist Edit Parel Chemist. Opp. Wadia Maternity Hospital, Parel. 91 22 4131299, 91 22 24129751. 160edit Mumbai Medico. Bhatia Hospital, Tardeo. 91 22 23086641. 160edit Noble Chemist. Opp. AutoHangar Mercedes Showroom, Prabhadevi. 91 22 23853130. 160edit High CommissionsEmbassies Edit Apart for the ones listed above there are consulates of a number of nations which can be can be found in the yellow pages directory. Get out Edit By train Edit The suburban train service, mentioned above, does a good job of connecting the surrounding cities. For trains to other Indian cities, the main reservation offices are at Churchgate, Mumbai Central, and Bandra on the Western line and CST and Dadar on Central line. There are special ticket windows and quotas for foreign tourists. For bookings and tariffs on train tickets to anywhere in India from Mumbai, visit Indian railways website107. To travel unlimited on the Mumbai you can use TOURIST TICKETMumbai Local Tourist Ticket provided by the Indian Railways. The Maharajas Express is a luxury train that will take you to Delhi. By road Edit Mumbai Metropolitan Region The Mumbai Metropolitan Region around Mumbai is fast developing into a major conurbation. If you need to get to the surrounding cities of Thane, Navi Mumbai or Kalyan, bus services are available. TMT (Thane Municipal Transport) operates services in the Thane city and areas around it. The MSRTC (Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation), commonly known as ST, operates services from selected points in the city to the extended suburbs. From Dadar, services to Navi Mumbai and Panvel and from Borivali to Thane being the most prominent. Numerous other important routes are also covered in the MMR (Mumbai Metropolitan Region) by the MSRTC. NMMT (Navi Mumbai Municipal Transport) operates services in Navi Mumbai Area, and a few points around. They also have services from Mulund in Greater Mumbai. KDMT (Kalyan Dombivali Municipal Transport) operates in the Kalyan-Dombivali Area with a few connections to Navi Mumbai. Another option is to to book bus tickets online from RunBus 108 Redbus109,TicketGoose110 and Bookmyconnect 111 which has tied up with a number of large private bus operators all over India. By sea Edit Raigad . district of Maharashtra lies just south of Mumbai. It is famous for its beaches and forts. You can get there by road or by ferry from Mumbai. The important ferry routes are: Ferry Wharf, Mazagaon, Mora (Uran ). Ferry Wharf, Mazagaon, Rewas (near Mandwa ). These are in the budget range. Gateway of India, Rewas. Fast boats and Catamarans operated by private operators. Service approximately every two hours, suspended during the monsoon season, i. e. May-Oct. From Rewas, take a bus or car to Alibag . By car Edit Hill Stations Following are some of the hill stations that can be weekend gateways from Mumbai. Matheran (102 km1.5hrs): can be reached both by road and by train. For train option, take a suburban train to Neral and take hour long toy train to reach Matheran top. Alternatively it can be climbed. Lonavala (111.5 km, 1.5hrs) Best reached by road. Suburban trains do not ply to Lonavala, and may need to exchange train at Karjat or take en route long long distance train. Khandala (101 km1.5hrs) Check Lonavala. Mahabaleshwar (242km, 7hrs) Best reached by road. By air Edit Lots of nearby destinations can be reached by short flights: Goa. Ahmedabad. Pune and Rajkot. um ein paar zu nennen. This is a guide article. It has a variety of good, quality information including hotels, restaurants, attractions, arrival and departure info. Plunge forward and help us make it a star IBS Mumbai Contact Us Set in the financial and industrial capital of India, IBS Mumbai leverages academic rigour with close industrial interaction to bring out the best of every student on campus. The excellent faculty members and state-of-the-art facilities make the intense transformation from student to manager smooth. Corporates in India now do recognize the importance of talented managers who give it the requisite muscle to compete. IBS Mumbai is one of the leading providers of quality Management Education in India and affords accessibility to Management education students. On a scale larger than others the school tries to help students realize their dreams and aspirations and provides students who were well prepared for management roles to corporate sector. It has been a leader in Management Education known for its successful record of placement. introduction of case method in management education and use of Information Technology in the teaching of the PGPM programme. It has earned a name for itself for focusing on student development through the 14 week student internship and a bouquet of a variety of activities meant to develop critical faculty, analytical skills, leadership skills and skills of communication and presentation. Located in the enviable spacious campus in the great environs of Hiranandani Gardens in Powai in Mumbai. IBS Mumbai can be justly proud of the rankings that it has achieved among Management Schools in the country over the years. The school is specially proud of its cohesive faculty team with proven talent recognized through awards and positive student feedback. The support provided in all its activities by the administrative staff is again uncommon in many ways. The growth of IBS Mumbai is a saga of development which gives us hope for future to realize our vision of becoming the Wharton of the East. A Partial List of Recruiters 3i Infotech Ltd. 99 Acres ABC Consultants - Headhonchos ABIBL Adfactors Pr Pvt. Ltd. Ajmera Realty Al Bandar International House for Trading Co Altor American Express Anil Industries Katni Pvt Ltd. Arvind Brands Ashvin Gidwani Productions AGP Asian Business Exhibition and Conference Ltd. Asian Paints Avalon Global Research Axience Consulting Pvt. Ltd Ayukrt Innovations Bharti Airtel Services Bharti AXA Life Insurance Company Limited Birla Sun Life Asset Management Company Capital First Cars24 CB Richard Ellis check little Chillr CNK India Coffee Day Group Comet Hawk Pvt. Ltd. Compuage Infocom Limited Credence Integrated Marketing Pvt Ltd Crisil (Irevna) CROMA Deloitte Consulting Deloitte Shared Services India P Ltd. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu DHL Express(I) Pvt. Ltd. Eagle Security Personnel Service engage4more Erotas Silver Jewelry Fazlani Altius Business School Financial Technologies Group of Companies Finman Capital Franchise India Brands Ltd Futurestep (KornFerry) GfK Mode GLOTRIP HOSPITALITY INDIA Grofers Grohe India Ltd. HDFC Bank HDFC Ergo Life Insurance HGS International Services Private Ltd. Hind Media Solutions Pvt Ltd Hinduja Global Solutions Hiranandani Communities Home First Finance India Pvt. Ltd. ICICI Bank ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ICICI Securities IFA Global India Forex Advisors iGate Patni Indiabulls Real Estate Indiabulls Securities Ltd. Indra Prints Integreon Managed Solutions I Pvt. Ltd. J K Tyre Industries Ltd. J. P. Morgan Chase Janalakshmi Financial Services JARO Education JustDial Kanakia Spaces Kotak Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Kotak Mahindra Bank Kotak Securities KPIT Cummins LT Realty Landmark Insurance Liberty Videocon Insurance Co. Ltd. MagicBricks Magicrete Building Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Mahindra Finance Markelytics Maruti Fashion Mecklai Financial Services Mount Hill Realty Muleshwar Financial Services National Payments Corporation of India Naukri Nestle Nielson India Options Group People Metrics Pharmeasy PNB Housing Finance PNP Polytex Pvt. Ltd PSTakeCare PurplKite Innovations (Voltaire Leasing Finance Ltd.) Ranco Energy Group Reckitt Benckiser Reliance Life Insurance Reliance Money Solutions Resource Bridge RJ Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. RxPlus Satguru Travels SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd. SBM Bank (Mauritius) Ltd Shoppers Stop Shrenuj SLEEK Solomon Enterprises Square Off Sports SSC GLOBEOP Standard Chartered Bank Suryoday Micro Finance Swastik Tiles Syntel Sytel Inc. Tata AIG General Insurance TATA Trent TCS Team Wellwishers Tech Mahindra Tech Mahindra Growth Factories Thinking Hats Consumer Insights Third Sector Partners Thomas Assessments Transparency Market Research Transparent Value Trimax IT Infrastructure Services Limited., Trisys Communications Universal Sompo General Insurance UpGrad Vito India Advisors Vodafone Wonderchef Home Appliances Pvt. Ltd Zoomot Services Zupermeal Zycus Infotech 20th by Business Today A by Business India A4 by Business Standard 6th among Top B-Schools and ranked 3rd in West zone Silicon India 6th among Top emerging B-Schools of Super Excellence CSR-GHRDC 7th among Top B-Schools in West zone Careers 360 IBS Mumbai distinguishes itself by the quality of the leaders it produces. Ranked among the top 5 business schools in the Western region, IBS Mumbai was established in 1995 to promote quality management education, research, training and consulting. 80,000 sq. ft. campus with 15 class rooms on two floors, 225 seater auditorium, faculty cabins, separate common rooms for boys and girls, a gym and three syndicate rooms for student faculty interaction. It has two large conference rooms and foyer. A library with an extensive collection of over 28,000 books, 13 International and 92 National journals and magazines and more than 2,000 CDs. It subscribes to 8 major online databases. Student Activities: Parivartan-The student body for social change. A national management event (Konflux) is organized every year, where teams from B-schools from all over India participate. Some Unique Initiatives: IBS-Venture academy in collaboration with University of Essex, UK Dimensions, the Journal of Management of IBS Mumbai HDFC Joint Certification Program for placement Prof. Y. K.Bhushan has been the Senior Advisor amp Campus Head of IBS Mumbai for over 10 years. He holds M Degree from Delhi University, MBA from Indiana University, USA, earned on the coveted and competitive Fulbright Fellowship, and Certificate in Research Methodology from Institute of Economic Growth Delhi. He has been in the field of Education and HRD for 59 years starting 1957. He taught at Shri Ram College of Commerce in Delhi for over 13 years. He was a Senior Professor at Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management Pune for two years and took over as the Principal of S. P. Bankers Training College of Central Bank and Dena Bank and served there for 10 years. Prof. Bhushan was Assistant General Manager HR in the central office of Central Bank of India for two years. He moved over to Management Education at the MBA amp Doctoral level as the Director of Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies for sixteen years and as Director General for two years raising NMIMS to a level where it could become a deemed University. In 2002 he took over as the Senior Advisor amp Campus Head at IBS Mumbai. He has served concurrently as the Vice Chancellor of ICFAI University in Meghalaya and has been appointed as the Chancellor of ICFAI University, Nagaland by the Governor of Nagaland. He is also the Chairman of Federation of Universities of ICFAI and Chairman of ICFAI Alumni Federation. As a Senior leader in the field of Management Education he has been the President of Indian Society for Training amp Development, Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS) and of Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia (AMDISA). He is President Emeritus of ISTD, Ravi Mathai Fellow of AIMS and is currently the Chairman of SAQS Council (South Asian Quality Systems) of AMDISA. He is the Honorary fellow of Indian Institute of Banking and Finance, ISTD and Institute of Management Consultants of India. As a trainer Prof Bhushan, was involved with over hundred companies in Training and Management Development Programs. On the international front Prof. Bhushan forged a link between NMMIS and Sterling University in UK and has participated in all Global Management conferences held every four years. He is also a Senior Enterprise Fellow of University of Essex, UK and has served the Fulbright Foundation on their selection panels. For 2 years, he was the President of Fulbright Association of Mumbai. Prof Bhushan has authored over a dozen books in Commerce and Management. He is particularly reputed for his first book on Fundamentals of Business Organization and Management which is now into its 50th year of publication. He has also brought out his collection of papers on Entrepreneurship, titled People, Technology and Entrepreneurship. Having spent over three decades directly in MBA level Management Education, Prof. Bhushan has been honored with several Life Time Achievement Awards and was the recipient of the prestigious Qimpro Quality Award and ET award for Legendary Contribution to Education. On Teachers day September 2015 Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies honored Prof. Bhushan by naming their main Library in the School of Business Management as Prof. Y. K. Bhushan Information and Knowledge Resource Centre . Prof Bhushan was a member of Academic Council of Mumbai University and served on the Board for Management Education of AICTE. He has been a member of the Governing Board of Indian Institute of Banking and Finance for over 16 years. Prof. Bhushan has been a guide to many Research Scholars for Ph. D at Mumbai University and an evaluator in some other renowned universities. Prof. Bhushan Senior Advisor Campus Head, IBS Mumbai dirmumibsindia. org Parag Jain Class of 2001 IBS Mumbai Parag is an alumnus from the Class of 2001 of IBS Mumbai. He completed Bachelor Degree in commerce before joining IBS. He is at present working with ADVENTITY BPO FZ LLC as a Vice President and is based at Dubai. He has been associated with Network International as Sr. Project Manager and prior to that he was working for Emirates Bank. Pooja Awasthi Class of 2004 IBS Mumbai Pooja is an alumna of Class of 2004 of IBS Mumbai. She completed her Bachelor Degree in Business Management before pursuing Management education from IBS. Currently she is employed as Relationship Manager with Anand Rathi, one of the biggest Stock Broking organizations of the country. She is presently based in Mumbai, the Business Capital of India. Alumni Located across the World IBS Alumni are working in over 900 blue chip companies and are spread out across the World. Hiranandani Knowledge Park Off. Technology Street, Hiranandani Gardens. Powai, Mumbai 400076 Phone: 022-40434343 Fax. 022-25700866 Email. ibsmumibsindia. orgArun the Stock Guru - Stock tips, Trading Tips, Bse Nse, Share market live, Sensex, Indian Stock market The company was suggested to the premium members few weeks ago. It has moved a good 30 since then. Still looks a company with multibagger potential. People interested for our coming Mumbai workshop as well premium small cap services pls fill the below form. For assistance do whatsappcontact Ujjal at 9831291631 or dip at 9007652301. Improvement in operational efficiency by reduction of manpower and raw material cost (thereby improving ebidta margin). Being 70 yr old co. the cos main strength is offering diverse product range amp designing and customising products according to the clients requirements. Supplying products amp services to almost all the Fortune 500 companies. Improving topline and market share in Railways amp Defence segment, incurring RampD expenses to develop and introduce new technology driven products and thereby improve application of product line in steel, sugar, textile, cement, energy etc. Trying to get back in defence business where we were 15 yrs ago. Looking forward for better results in Q3 and Q4 due to good order inflow for (Mysore plant for oil fill transformers) and growth seen in the abovementioned sectors. Getting orders (revenue) is not a problem for the co, main aim is to reduce the working capital debt and interest burden cost amp improve distributor network. Certain defence orders are in L1 stage(lowest bidder in tenders). Expect huge market for renewable energy in India. Cos top mgt executives have been touring and meeting power station companies. The co will bid for a Water Grid project (Irrigation scheme - provide drinking water from various rivers near AP to all its various cities) and expecting to get an order worth 50 Cr in Telengana state for supplying 1000200 high and low voltage Pump Set (of 12 Lac each). Execution will come in Q3 amp Q4. Recently, the co has got solar project order worth 60 Cr. It is the biggest opportunity for revenue growth. Restructuring undertaken with banks in 2014 for working capital and improving cost of capital. The co has been gradually reducing the Deposits (of 24 Cr) and ICD (of 22 Cr). Make company debt free over a period of time by disposing non core real estate assets of the co. in Hubli of 100 acre near hubli airport, initially earmarked 20 Cr, which will fetch them 120cr (waiting for approval from the state govt to ride over the crisis), Mysore - 5 sites worth approx 50 Cr, Regional Office spaces in Delhi, Hyd, Pune, Bglr etc. (probable model to be adopted by the co. is disposing of and taken back on rental basis). Reducing debt with corporation bank. Total real estate non-core assets of the company is more than 1000 Cr. My view: Recent step taken by the mgt regarding sale of treasury stock worth 18 Cr and QIP issue of 37 Cr was one of the brave and bold step. It has brought positivity and optimism among all the employees of the company and they will work really hard to bring it back to the top. Initial issue of working capital is solved and they have started concentrating on the business. Scuttlebutt from the biggest distributor who is with the company for last 20 years:- If you order LVM motors today u will get it tomorrow. So there is no problem of dispatch in standard motors but if you demand for specialized one then depending upon size, features delivery time gets from 1 month to 6 months. Recent speech from Chairman was fantastic. Expecting very good profit in next 2 years Crompton and abb are also aggressive. This company has huge land bank in banglore and hubli. 8226Ravi series is doing good because of terminal arrangement on top amp side both available. Earlier only side terminal arrangement was available but now both.70 to 80 more efficiency achieved in ravi series, complaint have came down drastically. In terms of sales amp network, the company is like maruti amp lupin. They have purchased new land 5 to 6 years back. It is Trying to increase market share. It is trying to hire big guys from market. 2 to 3 wrong people have chaired in the company due to which last 5 to 7 years were not good. New MD had come recently and is cleaning all dust from the company. He removed all wrong people, all inventory were cleaned. Also fired people who were thinking company like government organization. New MD is silent and aggressive. I have personally felt that he is working very hard. In my 15 to 20 years of experience at the company I can definitely say that things are improving sharply and next 2 to 3 years will be fantastic. I am very optimistic. Trying for new supplier with new people. New MD is pure finance guy and cleaning all inventory. I have personally seen all plants of it and felt that, recently accountability amp responsibility has improved for each and every person. Getting quarries from lost customer which is big achievement as of now. In terms of brand, Crompton, this company, abb is preferred (Order). What happens when a family managed company with good products and a great brand recall changes its PSU approach to be a well managed private one Thats precisely the story of this company. They have given two professional rockstars a free hand to run the show. VB, who was the CFO of the company got promoted to be the MD around 2015. AH, the star salesman with wealth of experience in the industry took the charge of being the sales head. They are churning inside out to transform the company and take it to the coveted league. The problem of the company started with the acquisition of LDW in 2008,a German company known for its technology. The recession followed which made the matter worse for the company. Inspite of every possible support from the Indian parent the German subsidiary couldnt turnaround. Few quarters back it finally gave up and booked the losses. They have imbibed the German technology and with the sector it caters to looking up, better days finally prevails for the company. The company posses rich non core assets to the tune of over 1000crs(mostly land parcels and factories which are not needed). They are in active dialogue to dispose of the same worth 400crs and make the high debt entity a debt free one. Over the course of next 2-3 years, Company would be a lean entity with no more interest cost obligations. Would be prudent to note that the present interest cost of the company would be near 40crs. The end users of its products aka the sugar, power, steel and cement industries have started seeing times changing for good. If your output user marks a rich turnaround, the vendor too will turnaround right Often common sense is very uncommon, notably in case of retailers in terms of selecting listed entities. Our channel checks from its dealers network across the country vindicates the point on the demand front. Customers are having a waiting period of 2-3 weeks for its Ac-Dc motors. Dealers also suggests about the renewed focus from the companys end. It has a near monopoly status in Oil Filled Transformers where its seeing huge demand. Last year they did around 18cr sales. This year they already have orders worth 90crs in hand, comes with double digit EBITDA margins. The company always had orders but owing to working capital crunch they couldnt execute most of it. The condition went so precarious that it had to resort to selling its treasury shares in and around December 2015. It garnered 20crs and finally scripted a turnaround after a very long time. They did a QIP of 36crs recently at 46rs which would further provide relief and help it to achieve the 700crs targeted topline figure. Whats a blessing in a disguise How about accumulated losses of hundreds of crores in its book which means no tax obligation till it surpasses the accumulated losses within the tax window of 7 years. Management did clarify about no MAT either. Conclusion: After exactly 8 quarters or in the December 2015 numbers, company finally came in green. Last 2 quarters been profitable too for the company. It targets a 30 growth where its sales are expected to surpass 700crs this fiscal. Estimated EBITDA of 9 gives us a PAT figure of around 15crs(63crs minus interest cost of 36crs and depreciation of 12crs and with no tax obligation). Company quotes at 23 times fy16-17 earnings. Fy17-18 will see it clocking 880-900crs of sales with higher margin orders. EBITDA expected of around 11 makes the company quote at just 7 times. Turnaround bets are greeted with higher valuation and with the company catering to core sectors, it would always quote in a range band of 15-20. Peers group which are notably the behemoths, your Alstom, Siemens and Abb of the world are quoting at over 30 times fy18 earnings. Also as mentioned earlier in the reports they are targeting to be a debt free entity over the next 3 years. In case that happens, Company could well pen a scripture for itself with shareholders making multi fold over the next couple of years. A delight of a bet in a quintessence meant for your core portfolio. Now dont bother asking the target folks. The quintessential 8 para to know everything about your desired microcap. Lets run: 1)Quote:This is not a fresh stock idea but an extension of the previous post. The intention is to have a detailed coverage of those 5 companies. The desi cloud player one was already long done. Todays note pertains to the 3rd company of the previous post. Indebted to dearest brother Bhaumik for his assistance and scuttlebutt. Its been on a good ride since few days for reasons not known to me. Its an expensively valued stock for sure at present levels( been an expensive stock always yet a 5 bagger in last few quarters).Oh yah, Damn Trying the SEBI compliant way of penning again. 2)Story: 1200 cr Group based out of Kochi 8211 their flagship company is E. Condiments (into spices and curry) with 900 cr. revenue 8211 held 74 by promoters and 26 by Mccormick (US based Fortune 1000 company that manufactures spices, herbs, flavourings). Other group companies are ET(tyre retreading), E. Mattress (beddings with Sunidhra brand) Eastea (into teas), King Richards (garments). There are no cross holdings among group companies. ET is the only listed company and it8217s likely to remain such. No plans of listing E. Condiments. 3) ETs revenue mix 8211 70 open market, 26 SRTC (state road transport companies) and 4 exports. Gross margin are 26, 35, 38 respectively. Debtor days are 40-60 days, 90 days and 90 days with LC respectively. CVs constitute 96 of revenue and 4 comes from PVs. Retreading is gaining traction led by improving awareness, brand creation by players like ET, Indag etc. and cost consciousness for fleet owners. A new truck tyre costs 20k, while retreaded tyre costs 5k and has 80 life of new tyre. Value chain 8211 fleet owners give tyres to dealersretreaders, who in turn procure retreading material from players like ET and do the retreading and give it back to fleet owners. Most retreaders in the market are non-exclusive i. e. they work for all players. Pre-cured retreading is used for CVs, PVs, etc. while hot retreading is used for OTRs, mining vehicles etc. which run on hard surfaces and required more strenuous working. Globally too hot and pre cured retreading technologies are used. There hasn8217t been any material change in technology over many years. 4)50 of replacement demand is met by retreaded tyres in India. Globally that is much higher 8211 in US it is 80 retreaded tyres. Gradually India will move higher towards retreaded tyres as awareness of its benefits increases and also these are environmentally more efficient. So over time share of retreaded tyres will go up. Retreading industry in India is a 3200 cr. industry 8211 50 organized 8211 organized growing at 10 volume growth. This growth is likely to sustain with some gradually shift from unorganised segment. GST can provide a fillip to this shift. ETs volume growth in FY16 was 10. Apollo, MRF etc are looking to enter retreading space 8211 but they don8217t see this as a threat. One these guys have a conflict as they also sell tyres and secondly it8217s too small an industry for them. However, globally there is a big retreading market but it8217s also a very matured. India will take years for tyre OEMs to look at this industry meaningfully. 5)They are in the process of changing their distribution network from only distributors to a mix of distributors and exclusive franchisees. In FY16, 10 of revenue came through franchisees in FY16 (6 in FY15) and they expect it to go up to 40 in FY17. They currently have 46 franchisees and will keep adding these. The advantage is they can charge higher prices by 15-20 through exclusive franchisees and also save on channel margin. This results in 5 higher gross margin. For instance, earlier Midas was selling at 140kg and ET at 120. now ET is able to sell at 170kg. Elgi Rubber currently follows this model of exclusive franchisees. While Indag was following this model but moved to distributor model as they found it difficult to scale it up. In franchisee model the other benefits are there is good brand loyalty and they can control the entire ecosystem and ensure better sales and servicing. However, scalability is an issue which ET is trying to address through ensuring focus on each franchisee and incentivising franchisees by ensuring minimum business etc. 6)They also have 2 retreading centres in Chennai and Bangalore which showcase retreading process and also act as brand centres. They also have Infinity Zones which are for brand visibility and are premium outlets. These outlets also provide marketing support to retreaders. They also organize fleet owners campaigns in each regions wherein they call 100-150 fleet owners and they educate them about the benefits of retreaded tyres and other services and also hear their feedback. This way they are able to get closer to fleet owners. This has helped them target fleet owners directly in some regions rather than depending on retreaders. ET is looking to position itself as a one stop solution for retreading 8211 supply of quality retread material, accessories (gum, cement etc.), maintenance of machinery, skilled labour availability, marketing and awareness of retreading. They have started outsourcing machinery mfg and they supply these machines to retreaders 8211 this ensure consistent good quality material and retreaded tyres. It will not involve any major capex. They also have a training institute where they train labour. 7)Management focus has increased considerably in the last few years and they have also inducted professionals which has led to the above changes. Also earlier the Meeran family was only focused on E. Condiments. But now Mccormick as partner and also that company having stabilized, it will help increase their focus on ET. Raw material price movement is a pass through 1 month lag 8211 so price risk is limited to 1 month. Typically gross margin will improve in times of falling rubber prices and vice versa because of numerator denominator effect. In case of retreaders, falling rubber prices is helpful as they typically don8217t pass on that benefit while they take up the prices in times of rising rubber prices. Rubber prices have shot up 40 in Mar-Apr821716 8211 they have taken a price hike of 11 in May821716 8211 this will largely cover the raw material price hike, they expect rubber prices to correct going forward and eventually not impact gross margin over time. 8)Long term vision is to achieve no. 2 position. Their target is to maintain RMsales ratio of 65 (66.5 in FY15-16). Over time they can do gross margin of 37-38. Current capacity of 12000 MT and utilisation of 45. They can reach 60 utilisation in FY17. They can do 200 cr. revenue with current capacity and 5 cr. capex. Capex of 7-8 cr. over 2 years 8211 5 cr. on capacity and 2-3 cr. on automation at plants. Maintenance capex of 50 lacs. Exports is 4 of revenue and they are targeting to grow it big. This year they are participating in 5 major exhibitions in Germany, Hannover, Kuala Lumpur Delhi etc. They are targeting 50 p. a. growth in exports. No salary is paid to directors as all are family members and most of them own shares in the company. Also they are not actively involved in the running of the business. Discounting trend is up as market is slow. Discount is accounted for as part of other expenses. OPM declined 230bps QoQ in Q4FY16 owing to higher promotion expenses on franchisee ramp up and higher staff costs (bonus). While Chinese tyre imports is a threat, their retreadability is bad. Also quality of tyres is bad and is considered unsafe and these tyres breakdown also a lot. They don8217t have any plans of entering any other segment. Indag Rubber has not increased prices post expiry of excise exemption 8211 they will be bearing the costs. No plans of fund raising or increasing promoter stake. KSIDC which holds 11.75 stake is looking to exit and any day expect a big fat bulk deal to happen. No dividend distribution policy in place. Btw: As it can be seen it takes huge efforts to dig into small unheard companies which can be the bluechips of tomorrow. No Reliance or boring Hind Unilever can provide you the kind of money which can help you retire rich early. About to launch some SEBI compliant small and midcap services only meant for long term patient disciplined investors. Do fill the form if that interests you. Happy investing folks. Note: For issues or assistance kindly contact Dipendu at 9007652301. Its been a long time since the blog got updated. Life has changed for good after the launch of Sharebazaar android app. Search Share Bazaar Arun in playstore to download it. In a very short time as you know folks we attained the scale of nearly 30000 subscribers, without resorting to any publicity or marketing gimmick. From conferences to conducting pan India workshops, many things kept me occupied. Soon, will be conducting International workshops, starting from Dubai shortly. Sebi too definitely stood out in terms of screwing the retailers in a better manner. Hence, wont like to name any stocks but hints may just help you to make out the names and dig further on the stories. 1) Been mighty impressed with the Chinese compounder which has also recently changed its name to signify its renewed focus. The parent has achieved an astounding track record of growing 65 CAGR in the last 20 years or so. The Chinese parent quoted at an average PE of over 50 since its listing. Even if it can do a fraction of what parent has done, the stock which comes with almost nil floating stock, would move in a different orbit. Its been a doubler since my Twitter rantspany has recently bagged big orders from IFB and Symphony. Companys fortunes are further set to change as its biggest clients are shifting base from countries like Australia to outsource everything from India. Should keep outperforming coz of its 500crs expansion, parentage and growth prospects. Expensive at present levels but with its expected 50 bottom line growth for next 3-4 years, stock presents an interesting opportunity at slight dips. Its debt free as on date with market cap of around 800crs. Results which should be outstanding comes on 30th May. 2) The desi cloud player hailing from chennai has been a favourite of mine for the last 3 years. Company recently delivered decent set of numbers. Exclude the employee costs and it would look awesome. The company also refrains from taking any orders with gross margins beneath 65-70. Its a massively scalable business with cumulative addressable market size of 2.5 lakh cr which is crazily expanding and set to expand further at 26-30 for coming atleast 5 years. Operating leverage coupled with strong rich tailwinds and an ultra super sales guy( He had started off with a staff of three people in Singapore for Satyam in 2000, and went on to scale up the business into 15 development centres and 33 sales offices across 20 countries with over 4,000 employees. Quit to join HCL-D uring his time, HCLs growth in the region was spectacular,60 percent year-on-year growth, for instance. It became the fastest growing region for HCL) makes a perfect recipe for a potential multibagger. The fiscal 2016-17 should be the best for them. Oh yeah in case the same gold standard honcho resigns, spare no time in exiting it right away. That remains the biggest risk of this particular company. Its debt free as on date with market cap of around 2000crs. 3) Had an amazing Sharebazaar whole day workshop in Cochin recently. Had some spare time which was coolly utilised in visiting the areas of Gods own country. Did get a chance to get glimpses of this companys plant. It comes with a highly credible management which is doing everything possible to create loads of shareholders wealth. Tyre Retreading is gaining traction led by improving awareness, brand creation by the players and cost consciousness for fleet owners. A new truck tyre costs 20k, while retreaded tyre costs 5k and has 80 life of new tyre. They are in the process of changing their distribution network from only distributors to a mix of distributors and exclusive franchisees. In FY16 10 of revenue came through franchisees in FY16 (6 in FY15) and they expect it to go up to 40 in FY17. They currently have 46 franchisees and will keep adding these. The advantage is they can charge higher prices by 15-20 through exclusive franchisees and also save on channel margin. This results in 5 higher gross margin. For instance, earlier Midas was selling at 140kg and the company at 120. now It is able to sell at 170kg. Company is almost debt free as far the long term debts are concerned. Company is set to grow at 30 CAGR for next 5 years. Tyre radialization would be a big theme to watch out for and look no further to ride the theme. Keralas Buffett did make it expensive with his tweets but long term prospects look more than robust. Marketcap stands at around 60crs. 4) It so happened was hell bent on searching for a player which is snatching market share from a giant. Jivanjor, the adhesive player seemed the best fit and I continued with my research. For Scuttlebutt means, interacted with lot of dealers and sales managers but the result wasnt that appealing. Finally, ended my research after a former sales manager disclosed a lot of uninspiring stuff which forced him to quit the company. He also mentioned of his new company and how it has kept him motivated to the extent which has led to a scorching 70 growth in his region. Incidentally, the same company happened to be a listed one which at that time had a tiny Marketcap of just 15crs. The company with a brand name of Euro 7000,is into white glue adhesives, scaled up 11x in the last 5 years and looking to achieve a 100crs bounty by next 2 years. Company got a phenomenal product named D3 which takes 60kgs to provide the required bond while Fevicol does the same in 100 kgs. They have pricing power, got a gross margin of 45-50 and spends a fortune in its marketing front. Company also posses a very strong supply and distribution reach of 7000 dealers in 13 states and 130 cities. Fevicol, over the last couple of years acquired similar companies by paying over 2x Sales. Stock since then has more than doubled with present Marketcap still at a paltry figure of 40crs. Promoters shareholding where 97 of it was pledged has recently been fully released. 5)Its not even required to pen anything for this one. Prem Watsa with his large investments in it, opines craftly. In 2010 Nahoosh Jariwala and three childhood friends and their families were holidaying together at a tiger reserve in Central India. Nahoosh and his older cousin Rajan had founded the company in 1985 and listed it on the BSE in 1995. While Nahoosh had big dreams for the business, Rajan was not so keen, so while still on the holiday Nahoosh8217s three friends decided they would buy out Rajan and support Nahoosh8217s aggressive growth plans. Over the following five years until we came to hear of This company, Nahoosh had exponentially grown its manufacturing capacity from 8,000 to 45,000 metric tons per annum. It is an oleo chemicals company. Oleo chemicals are, broadly, chemicals that are derived from plant or animal fat, which can be used for making both edible products and non-edible products. In recent years the production of oleo chemicals has been moving from the U. S. Europe and Japan to Asian countries because of the local availability of key raw materials. It occupies a unique niche in this large global playing field. It has developed an in-house technology that uses machinery manufactured by leading European companies to convert waste generated during the production of soy, sunflower, corn and cotton oil into valuable chemicals. Those chemicals include acids that go into non-edible products like soap, detergents, personal care products and paints, and other products that are used in the manufacture of health foods and vitamin E. The company8217s customers include major multinational companies including BASF, Archer Daniels Midland, Cargill, Advanced Organic Materials, IFFCO Chemicals and Asian Paints. Co operates out of a single plant in Ahmedabad. It has the largest processing capacity for natural soft oil-based fatty acids in India. Over the last ten years, sales have grown at 23 per year to 27 million, and profit after tax has grown at 30 per year to 2.3 million. On February 8, 2016 we purchased 45 stake from the three friends of Nahoosh and other shareholders at rupees 212 (3.12) per share. My two cents: A tremendous scalable business with high entry barriers. Present headwinds provides an opportunity of a lifetime for value seekers looking to multiply capital over the next 5 years. Btw: We are set to launch some interesting services only meant for long term investors. Interested guys pls mail at arunsharemarketgmail for details. Also you can whatsapp dip at 9007652301. Happy investing folks. Seminars and workshops: About to have long 8 hours Investors Workshop in places like Delhi, Hyderbad and Kolkata over the coming 3 weeks. Do pen a mail at arunsharemarketgmail if you interested in being a part of it. In last Mumbai Workshop, the themes of Jute got discussed and Cheviot incidentally was quoting at about 700 then. Lets pen what attracted me in this company. Note: This days am pretty much occupied with the workshops and seminars which we are having Pan India. The latest venture Share Bazaar Android App has been a huge hit with nearly 30000 downloads over the last few months. Blogs are about to be obsolete owing to technological advancements and hence the decision to migrate everything in the App. Do download the app guys if you havent done yet. Just search Share Bazaar Arun in play store. Quote: Cheviot Company is one of the prime examples of a corporate that makes a lot of money from green fibre and sound investments. Harsh Vardhan Kanoria has created Gold out of an Industry, on which the Sun had literally set with the departure of the British in 1947.Today, with its processing units and a turnover exceeding Rs 265 crore, Cheviot Company makes more money out of Jute and its Corporate Investments, in a year, than most companies would ever make in their lifetime. While Kolkata may hold a different meaning for different people, for the current owners of Cheviot-the Kanoria family, the Sun Never Set On Jute even with the collapse of the British empire. Introduction: Cheviot Company Limited (CCL) which was incorporated in 1897, is the flagship company of the Cheviot group, which has interests in the jute, tea, and leather businesses. CCL manufactures high-value jute yarn and fabrics, such as precision-wound fine jute yarn, sacking cloth, hessian cloth and bags, sacking bags (for packing food grains and other allied purposes), and superior hessian cloth. Spearheaded by Mr. H. V. Kanoria under whose leadership the group has shown exemplary performance year after year. He is an eminent industrialist with 40 years of vast experience in successfully handling Jute, Tea and Leather Industries. The company also ventured into new product category by adding jute shopping bags in their existing product lines. The company caters to both the export and domestic markets. It has two manufacturing units in West Bengal: one in Budge Budge and one in the Falta Special Economic Zone (export-oriented unit). Demand for eco-friendly bags: The demand for green products jute goods like gardening products, shopping bags, geo-textile, pulp and paper, home textiles, floor covering and non-woven textiles is very high at the consumers8217 level in the international market due to the growing awareness about environment. Of those products, jute-made shopping bags are now the best-selling items. Many countries like the United States (US) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have already gone for replacement of plastic shopping bags by jute-made shopping bags. The demand for eco-friendly bags is also increasing in Western Europe, Australasia, Middle East, Asia and African countries. The global market size of jute-made shopping bags will be 500 billion pieces, equivalent to seven million tonnes of jute products, in the coming days, as efforts are on to totally stop use of polythene or plastic materials all over the world because of their adverse impact on environment. Fibre of the future: Composite and Compounded materials from man-made fibres (i. e. glass fiber, carbon fiber etc.) are already available as products for consumer and industrial uses. Jute is one such natural fiber that can reduce the impact on the environment. It is available in abundance, strong and is increasingly being referred to as the 8220fiber of the future8221. Jute filled PP composites are today being successfully used for various components and materials. India is still largely an agrarian economy, which needs to generate massive employment in rural areas for a rapidly growing population. Technological breakthroughs such as jute-filled PP compounds show the way for economic development of the masses by marrying state-of-the - art technology and research with cash crops to create rural and industrial prosperity. New Advancement in Jute Compound: Bengaluru-based STEER makes new advancement in jute compounds that ca help in use of fibre in automobile parts (under-the hood),housing construction materials or even microwaveable cooking containers. This New compound can have ripple effect not only on the jute sector, but the entire India economy by opening up a huge market opportunity. Jute polymers to provide excellent opportunity for new sunrise industry to emerge, creation of thousands of jobs in West Bengal, Orissa and Bihar. The popularisation of jute polymers is expected to help provide a major thrust to the Government8217s Make in India campaign, by popularising new usage of jute in other sectors, thus stimulating industrial activity. Jute polymers are certain to greatly benefit the jute industry with its ability to transform the traditional use of jute for modern day products, thus, touching human lives. Advantage over Bangladesh :India and Bangladesh together accounts for the 95 of worlds jute production. The cost of producing quality yarn is 40 per cent higher in Bangladesh than in India because of the technological disadvantages. India has set up composite jute mills with modern machinery and technologies for production of fabrics, dyeing or lamination under one roof. Bangladesh has nearly 250 jute mills, but none of them has the dyeing and lamination facilities, which are essential to producing diversified products, according to exporters. Potential for an anti-dumping tax: Around 125 lakh bales of jute sacks are needed just to package crop seeds in India. Indian jute mills can produce only 25 lakh bales of jute. The Indian Jute Mill Association (IJMA) has already pleaded for an anti-dumping tax in case Bangladeshi goods enter India. The Indian jute commission is considering the plea, and is soon to give a decision about it. This decision is aiming provide a monopoly to Indian jute mill owners which is a very big positive as there are barely few survivors in the industry. Jute Particle Board: They are used as substitutes for wood. The availability of the technologies for producing particleboards and its high socio-economic value are arguments in favour of the future development of this product. The use of wood in house construction, furniture, etc. is slowly being discouraged due to environmental reasons. The use of jute particle board as a substitute has been found to be quite acceptable both in terms of quality and price. Strong Financial Risk Profile: CRISILs ratings on the bank facilities of Cheviot Co Ltd (CCL) continue to reflect CCLs strong financial risk profile, marked by a robust net worth, low reliance on external debt and strong liquidity. The ratings also factor in the strong business risk profile, with an established market position in the jute industry, a diversified product profile, and a wide distribution network. Jute has always been a dull and boring sector. However, several positive advancement drew my attention to this sector. Several innovations ranging from diversified uses of Jute and Jute compounds (as discussed above) implies a turning tables for this sector. Also there has been a rise in demand for jute products all across the globe. Several countries have already banned use of plastic bags in their grocery markets and shopping malls. Thus, demand has been projected to increase 50 times within next five years if the eco-friendly trend continues. Potential for an anti-dumping tax which is a game changer, would provide a monopoly to Indian jute mill owners as there are barely few players in the industry. Recently MD of Gloster (one of the leading Jute players) emphasized in an interview that this is a 8216golden period8217 for the jute industry with several sectoral tailwinds. He guided a robust rise in export demand in coming quarters. He also said that the upcoming quarters will see a very sleek growth which they have never seen before. Concerns: Adverse regulatory changes in the jute industry may impact the top line and thus the regulatory risk would always prevail. Revenues coming in from exports have been a significant rise in past several quarters, fluctuations in currency can pose a threat. Also the RM prices which is Raw jute been on a recent upswing which can put pressure on its margins. Financials: Company over the past 5 years have grown its topline and bottomline at a CAGR of 8 and 13 respectively. But the half yearly results of 2015-16 presents an entirely different picture where the company has delivered an impressive sales growth of 25 to register a figure of 150crs vs 120crs. Profits have more than doubled to 23crs vs 11crs. The third quarter numbers probably should be the best since its inception. Conclusion: I liked Cheviot for its attractive valuations (in terms of EV) along with strong financial risk profile, marked by a robust net worth and low reliance on external debt. It has huge investments and cash on book worth Rs. 200 Cr and it8217s almost debt free. Thus, on EV basis it is available at a very reasonable price. Currently it is quoting at a 6 forward PE and given the tailwinds even a meagre rerating up to 10 PE would make it move way higher. Promoters are owning 75 stake of the company. CCL has also been very generous with its consistent 20 dividend pay-out policy in past 5 years. So even dividends will be 2x with 100 rise in bottom line. Also, CCL doesn8217t needs any capex and has huge reserves so one can expect another bonus due to low equity base. (Last bonus was in 2006).There are very few listed players in Jute industry in India. All are with very tiny equities and limited floating stock. So even average accumulation can make them run into circuits. BTW:For different stock market related services and also for techno-Funda tutorials, rush a mail at my mail id arunsharemarketgmail to know more about it. Note: The above is not a research report but assimilation of information available on public domain and it should not be treated as a research report. Registration status with SEBI: I am not registered with SEBI under the (Research Analyst) regulations 2014 and as per clarifications provided by SEBI: 8220Any person who makes recommendation or offers an opinion concerning securities or public offers only through public media is not required to obtain registration as research analyst under RA Regulations8221 Disclosure: It is safe to assume that I might have Cheviot in my portfolio and hence my point of view can be biased. Readers should consult registered consultants before making any investments. After the launch of my Share Bazaar android app, the workload has increased many a times. Hardly theres any time to do blogging. As you all know the app has been a huge hit with downloads been nearly 25000 in a very small time. For the uninitiated, to download-go to play store and search Share Bazaar Arun. Do give your reviews and ratings folks. Microsec Financial Services AGM Notes (QampA) E-commerce Divisions:- 1. Are we planning to raise Private Equity for both our E-Commerce division Ans: We were anxious when we started both e-com divisions but in retrospect we believe it was one of the greatest decision we ever made. Usually in a typical e-commerce start up, it takes huge amount of cash burning to achieve a GMV of 100crs but we are aiming to achieve that feet by remaining debt free. We are going to set a benchmark by achieving this only from a single state in India (West Bengal) which has been unprecedented in the world of E-commerce. And yes we are looking to raise money for both the verticals. 2. What is the USP of our E-com Services Will ban on selling online medicine(if at all happens) affect us Ans: The USP of the company is our last mile delivery where 99 of the logistics costs are borne by the franchises. (Company gave the examples of newspaper where the logistics costs are Zero.) We dont sell prescribed drugs online. Sastasundar forwards the lead to its offline brickampmortar franchisehealthbuddies and they deliver the order to the customer. Its just a lead generation medium. 3. As medspa, Apollo pharmacy, netmeds, pm ventures are all in the same business as Sastasunder, What are we doing to thwart competition Ans: Competition makes business and the arena is too large. The retail pharmacy market is worth over 70000crs and theres a room for everyone to have their own pie. 4. We are entering Karnataka. What would be the strategy Are we also entering other states Ans: Strategy is to repeat what we are doing in Kolkata. Sastasundar will further expand in Mumbai and other big cities by 2016. 5. In medicine distribution we need large inventories. Even we supply the inventory to our franchise owners. How are we playing it Are we ready for addition in future debt Ans: Company is against too much debt however we may need some for taking care of our WC requirements. 6. What is the ratio of repeat customers to new customers What are we doing to retain our old customers Ans: Repeat Customers contribute to 75 of the present top line. Company is taking all initiatives to retain its existing customers. 7. What is the credit cycle from where we procure the medicines Ans: (Didnt gave a clear answer but hinted of a good credit cycle once they garner in big volumes) 8. How many franchises we have till date What is out average franchise revenue What is the number of franchise we are looking to add over the coming few years Ans: 87 in total, 81 franchise and 6 company owned stores. Company looking to appoint more franchises. Aims for a number of 225 within the next fiscal. 9. What is the ebitda margin we will have after counting for 15 discounts and 8 commission to franchises How can we compete with the retail pharmacist stores Ans: Our medicine distribution margins are 30. The retail pharmacist averages margin of around 20. So theres nothing to worry on that front. Sastasundar makes around 7. 10. How many brands are attached with foreseegames as on date Ans: Its around 120 and yes the target is to tieup with 500 brands ASAP. 11. We brag about 11 lakh users in foresee then why is the revenue is not even 50 lakhs Ans: Foreseegame will see increased monetization from Brand partners going forward, however current strategy is more focused on acquiring more brand partners. 12. Foreseegame itself is engaging but the worst part is we have just 33k likes Facebook on user base of 1.1 million. Why arent we looking at it One of our peer latestone came into the arena much later yet they have 7-8 lakh fans in no time and increasing at a rapid speed. Ans: (The Company appreciated the fact and promised to look into the issue at the earliest.) 13. Why arent we marketing enough We dont see foresee ads in TVs. They are nowhere. We havent even done a SEO, let alone AdWords. Nobody can see us if they Google up online games. Why is it so Ans: Not fond of marketing in the television world. SEO and other needed necessities are actively looked upon which will help the company to increase its users. 14. Have we got a break even target in our verticals When we will break even in e-com verticals Ans: Company looking to break even by fy17-18. Both e-com verticals are exceeding expectations as of now. 15. Do we make profit from every transaction What is the ratio of our private level biz to the medicine biz What is the margin we make from our private biz Ans: We are making profit from most transactions, if not all. The ratio is hardly much to talk about as of now. Private level business margins around 50. 16. What about our recent launches: chef on and others Are we seeing any traction What has been the acceptance of our customers Ans: Chefon: the made to order segment has seen immediate traction after its recent launch. Company is getting 400-500 enquires on a daily basis. 17. In Foreseegame we often provide Sastasunder currency to our game buddies which in turn inflates the topline. Out of 21crs topline in Sastasunder, what has been its contribution last fiscal Ans: That is less than half a percent of the total turnover. 18. Any revenue guidance for foresee and Sastasunder in the present fiscal Next year 17 and by 2020 Ans: Foreseegame should more than double its turnover this year. Sastasundars GMV should be heading to 100crs within the next few quarters. 19. Zapak games recently got valued at 1000crs, be it alexa rank or minutes spend in the site it8217s beneath foreseegame by every standard. Are we looking to unlock value by divesting a stake Ans: Lot of offers from private equity. Foreseegame will dilute in favour of a private equity to unlock value. Should be done at a good valuation. 20. Ironically whenever we announce our results, we see our stock being hammered owing to higher losses. Would we see the same in future Ans: (We aren8217t bothered about stock prices or market cap. The company is in a solid footing and with time, the right valuation should definitely chip in.) Financial Services Division:- 21. It8217s been quite a while since the demergerdivestment news was announced by the company. When is it actually happening Ans: Our core was finance and its a pretty emotional decision to hive off the same. However, we believe in being ahead of the time and hence will soon do what8217s best for the business. 22. We have a capital employed of over 100crs in the financial vertical. We have got large holdings running worth several Crs. We did a PAT of 10crs. Its a brand with intangibles adding up to a good few Crs. Tailwinds are blowing with few recent brokerage deals. Sudhir Valia acquiring fortune financial at 35crs and Sudip banerjee buying out JRG sec at 100crs. So we should get a good valuation right Ans: (They appreciated the fact and hinted about a good deal coming soon. Fathoming the body language, it seems like they will just sell the finance arm rather than demerging it as the full focus is on ECOM.) 23. Presuming we will sell out the Financial Services Division as admitted by Mr mittal earlier, how are we going to deploy that money Would it be fully on Ecom Or can there be a special onetime dividend Ans: As of now we are not in favour of a dividend as the stock price would just adjust it immediately. The money received would be deployed in the ECOM ventures. 24. Promoters own 71 in the company as on date, bit below the max permissible limit of 75. Why arent you buying out the rest This fiscal year the promoters hardly bought anything. Ans: Microsec is the only stock we acquired in last few years. We desire to own the maximum permissible limit of 75 soon. 25. We had an internal target of achieving a billion dollar market cap by 2020. How achievable does it look under the present juncture. Ans: Futile to discuss about market cap at the present juncture. We believe in long term wealth generation for the stakeholders. 26. Is there any chances of selling out fully provided we get an extravagant offer, at a much premium to the present price Ans: No chances of selling out in the next 5 years. What I Perceive: Finance business to be sold soon and then in due course would be demerged in two separate companies. Sastasundar and Foresee to be separately listed in the future. P. s:Please refrain from asking buyingselling stuff. BTW:For different stock market related services and also for techno-Funda tutorials, rush a mail at my mail id arunsharemarketgmail to know more about it. Note: The above is not a research report but assimilation of information available on public domain and it should not be treated as a research report. Registration status with SEBI: I am not registered with SEBI under the (Research Analyst) regulations 2014 and as per clarifications provided by SEBI: 8220Any person who makes recommendation or offers an opinion concerning securities or public offers only through public media is not required to obtain registration as research analyst under RA Regulations8221 Disclosure: It is safe to assume that I might have MICROSEC in my portfolio and hence my point of view can be biased. Readers should consult registered consultants before making any investments. Subscription to Arunthestocksguru

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